You're one creepy cookie

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flashbossXD wanted some creepy Dick Grayson content and i must oblige

Dick was creepy. He was the creepiest cookie in the cookie jar and most of the time he knew that he was being creepy. In fact, as a teenager, he indulged in being creepy. It became more of an accidental thing when he was older but creepy remained one of the many things Dick was described as. Here are a few examples that frequently came up when people asked how golden child, best ass having, sex appeal on a stick, and acrobat could be considered creepy over his life time.

Creepy Cackle™

The League were fawning over Robin because he looked absolutely adorable in his little suit with his little cape. They thought there was no way on Earth that this child could be intimidating or creepy. That was until one day, Green Arrow needed to visit Gotham and managed to catch the pair patrolling. The pair were talking as Robin did his own thing worryingly close to the edge of a 50ft drop when Green Arrow heard a cackle. A villainous cackle or at least it sounded like one. He glanced around to find the source but only found the three of them on the roof. He shrugged it off and continued his conversation but then he heard it again. 

"Is that Joker?" he asked as a sense of unease set in. Batman shook his head and continued to talk. Was he deaf? Why couldn't he hear that ominous sound? If it wasn't Joker then it was someone similar because no person who laughed like that was an upstanding citizen. When he heard it again, he put his hand up. "No there's definitely someone here. Can't you hear that cackling?" Batman glared at him for interrupting and pointed over to his protege.

"That's Robin's laugh." Green Arrow looked at him, then looked at Robin who was confused as to why his mentor was pointing at him and then looked back at Batman.

"That's not funny. Who is that?"

"Robin, remember that time I missed that jump?" Batman asked. The younger burst out laughing, matching the cackles the hero had heard. Robin laughed so hard he tipped back off the roof but he managed to catch himself and climb back up.

"I'm okay!"

"How can something so creepy come out of such a cute kid?" 

"You're lucky he'll take that as a compliment. I won't have you degrading my protege," Batman snarled.

Dadadadadadadadadadaddadada he's a phantom

No matter how many times it happened, Robin disappearing into thin air still freaked out the team. It might be because there was no way that someone with no powers could do what he did on a regular basis. It was even creepier when he managed to do it in fully lit areas and the disappearing act wasn't limited to missions. Everyone was sitting together aside from Robin who they thought had gone somewhere else. M'gann was baking but when the oven beeped she was too invested in the show they were watching. She leaned across the counter and waited anxiously for the female lead to admit her love for the male lead. 

"Your cookies are gonna burn," Robin stated. She jumped into the air with a shriek and floated there before recognising it was just her teammate with his head stuck in the fridge. The team turned to see what the fuss was about only to be just as surprised as she was to find Robin in the kitchen.

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