If I can't do that, then what am I for?

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CloeTheTealSnake out here with the biggest brain with this idea 

I kinda used this video to get an idea of the spectrum of asexuality and the video is done by an asexual person who i love to watch and explains things good for my brain 

I want to emphasise that I don't want to hurt or misrepresent the asexual and aromantic community and I will gladly take this down and revise things if I have done so without realising 

In this, I have Damian on the sex-repulsed side of asexuality but there are sex indifferent and sex proactive asexuals out there so don't lay a giant blanket across the term. It is a spectrum! 

Let people vibe and don't prod them with gross questions about bits and pieces that you can ask the internet rather than make people uncomfortable!! They are people, they have emotions and they're just trying to exist so don't just assume they're robots because fucking isn't in their top ten things to do. Societal expectations are dumb and you can live a fulfilling wonderful life without fucking, without a partner, without whatever because you are more important than what the people in power think.

Asexual and aromantic fans of mine, you are loved, appreciated and valid!! I hope my stories, the community that follows me and myself make you feel comfortable!! 





Damian knew he was different. He always knew something about him that wasn't like his father, his fellow Robins, or most other heroes. That would normally allow him to put himself on a pedestal but this difference went against what he believed was part of his purpose in life. You see, to keep a family name going each son in the family should get married to a woman and then have a child who would preferably be a son. This cycle would continue and continue, allowing for one surname to stand the test of time. Damian knew this cycle well and he felt the expectation of continuing the Wayne name. There was just one slight problem with that. Damian had no interest in doing any of that. He didn't feel sexual attraction nor did he feel romantic attraction. He was quite happy to be without any of that. Unfortunately, he would fail his perceived purpose as the son of billionaire Bruce Wayne without any of that. When he first discovered this trait about him, he thought it would go away. That it was just a phase or that he hadn't met someone to set off those feelings. Yet time went by and those feelings hadn't kicked in. It began weighing down on him that this purpose wasn't something he wanted nor would he be happy in the life path it would lead him down. He'd distracted himself as soon as that thought popped into his head and hoped it would stop nagging at him but it never stopped. He could train for hours, work for days, and never give himself a moment to rest but the thought always wiggled its way through. The more he tried to run the more it consumed him until he simply couldn't take it anymore. 

One day, the thought spiralled. If he didn't want to court people with a sexual relationship in mind then maybe he wouldn't have the choice. He may get to the age where the choice is taken from him and he was forced into some arranged marriage that would benefit companies rather than himself. Then he'd be pressured to produce some heir and that would trap him in this life of raising a child and having a relationship that he didn't know if he could care for. Then what? Maybe he'd be pressured to produce more and no one would care about what he thought. What if he said something now and Bruce decided he was done? That this was the final straw and he wasn't going to deal with the trouble his son caused if it wouldn't somehow benefit him in the future. Did he know for certain that Bruce wouldn't do that? Before he knew it, he'd stopped doing his homework and had his head in his hands. His breathing was quick, too quick to keep track of and he hated this moment of vulnerability where he couldn't control himself. He'd gone past that. He heard his breath shake and felt his body tremble as he tried to will himself to calm down. Everything was so much. He didn't want to have what the future him had to have. He didn't even want it but does it matter what he felt? "Damian?" He barely registered the sound. He could barely tell if he knew who it was. It had to be someone he knew because there was some softness to it but other than that the voice was unfamiliar. Then he felt a hand on him and he jumped away. He managed to focus his eyes on the person and found he was one of the worst people to see right now. Bruce. There was no way of recovering from this presumed panic attack fast enough to play this like it never happened. Then came the flurry of emotions. Hope that Bruce would make this stop. Embarrassment that he'd gotten so worked up that he needed help. Worry about how Bruce would react. Dread about the questions. Fear. Fear was the predominant emotion here. Would he be told to get a grip? That this was all a phase and have his fears dismissed as stupid? He didn't know and he hated that. He wanted to know desperately. Bruce knelt in front of him and cautiously reached out to put his hand on his son's knee. A gesture to show he wasn't going anywhere. Damian didn't know if he was okay with that or not. "Take a deep breath, Damian. Like this," the older instructed. He exaggerated a deep breath in and waited for Damian to copy it. It took a few minutes for the younger to repeat what Bruce did but the whole time there was an air of patience. Perhaps Dick had taught him a thing or two. After repeating the deep breaths, Damian could now recognise that the murmurs he'd been dismissing were actually words of comfort. Comfort. Coming from Bruce Wayne? An emotionally inept man? That was an interesting development. "There we are," Bruce commented. There was a ghost of a smile on his face as he spoke. "Lucky I checked on you."

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