Sugar Baby

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deathbytokyo and I were talking about this a while back and here it is

in this AU David is a billionaire in the vein of lex luthor lots of shady shady deals and Dick isn't a villain he's good ol Dickie boy that's it those are the changes enjoy this

im back from the break for the main book but i might put off sidebooks for a lil bit longer

Dick wanted to get out of this ball the moment he heard he had to go. Of course, he didn't like passing up opportunities to look amazing but it didn't matter how hot he looked when the higher-ups of Gotham wanted to kick him down to the dirt. He'd asked over and over if he truly needed to be there but it turned out the whole family was invited. If he didn't show up, he'd only bring the press's attention to himself. Not that they weren't already trying their hand at making him sound like he'd been cut off. He'd happily tell them that he was living just fine by himself but the roaches in his apartment may beg to differ. So he spent his Friday night hovering around the ballroom, weaving his way through crowds to avoid awkward conversations and picking up a glass or two of champagne. It was the good stuff after all and he couldn't let it go to waste. He eventually found a corner table that saw little traffic from the rich Gothamites and sat himself down, spying out his brothers and sisters causing trouble. He'd join in later on so he could make a quick escape. 

As he watched the ball play out, he felt someone's eyes on him and spied out a ginger staring at him like he was the last man on Earth. He glanced the other up and down whilst he tried to place the face. New money, that was for sure. He'd been on the front of one of those Forbes magazines as owning one of the fastest-growing businesses in Bludhaven. The invitation to Gotham must've been to attract some work. What was that name? David something. In all honesty, Dick wasn't the most interested in the work. If he was reading the signals rights, and he usually did, then he might be able to bag himself something to make the evening worth it. He sent the man a wink after catching his gaze and soon enough David was heading over to his table with two drinks in each hand. Good job too as he just finished his glass. Granted, there could've been something slipped in there but he doubted new money would risk it just yet. "This seat taken?" David asked. He shook his head and gladly accepted the drink offered to him. They clinked their glasses and sat in comfortable quiet for a moment.

"Thanks for the drink although I fear you want something in return," he replied. 

"I suppose I do but I've come to make you an offer." An offer? That certainly had Dick's attention. He couldn't imagine it would be something plain. He checked the room to make sure his siblings weren't eyeing them up before giving the man the nod to explain his proposal. "I heard you were cut off and I thought you can't be earning very much so how about you give me a little company and I'll make sure you're comfortable?" Oh my God, this was a sugar daddy situation. He couldn't tell if he was happy about being so hot someone would pay to spend time with him or mad about being called poor in fancy words. Overlooking the being called poor part, he pondered if the offer was one he wanted to take up. It wouldn't do much for his reputation but there was no saving that at this point. He took another sip of his champagne thoughtfully before deciding to inquire more. 

"By company, what do you mean?"

"Dinners, events and the like." Interesting.

"Nothing more?"

"That would be illegal now wouldn't it?" 

"Didn't say you'd have to pay me," he added under his breath. David caught it and smirked at the comment. "What's a man like you paying for anyway? I'm sure there are plenty of men and women begging for an hour alone with you." 

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