A father but not a dad

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kitten561 requested some more Dad Grayson 

this is following on from replaceable 

It had been a month or so since Dick moved out and Bruce took over. Initially, he allowed himself to feel excited about the change since it was what he wanted from the very beginning. For Bruce Wayne to be his dad. Yet as time went on, he missed Dick and realised that the care he held for the man was something more than brotherly. The acrobat had taught him so much in their time together, always patient, kind as he could be when pushed and always there. Not just in the physical sense of being there. He'd be a shoulder to cry on when Damian could no longer pretend that he didn't care about how senseless the world could be but he'd also be there to celebrate the highs too. He was what a dad should be in Damian's eyes and he had been his dad for some time before the return of his father.

Bruce wasn't that type of dad. Damian didn't like him as a dad at all. As a father, he respected the man greatly for his dedication to his craft and took on his lessons but as a dad? No, Bruce would never be that. He wasn't the right fit. Every bout of discipline felt unearned or half-hearted. Praise was minimal and didn't go much further than a smile most of the time. Going from someone so outwardly loving and emotional to the man whose smile had been missing since before Damian was born was the awakening he needed to know that Dick was his dad and that he didn't want to live in the manor now that he was gone. It wasn't home anymore.

So that's how Damian found himself with a duffle bag full of clothes and Robin supplies breaking into Dick's apartment in Bludhaven. 

"Hello?" That voice wasn't Dick's. Someone else was in his apartment and it wasn't the designated crowd that was allowed to break in whenever they wanted. He quickly ducked into the shadows of the apartment and moved toward the voice ready to engage with a potential criminal. "Babe? Is that you?" Babe? Dick hadn't mentioned taking on a lover in his time away and they spoke almost daily. The only times they didn't speak were when schedules simply didn't line up and one was asleep whilst the other was awake. Surely if Dick had gotten with someone he would've said something about it. "Quit doing your ninja thing, it's freaking me out!"

A shriek, a thump and then giggles. What the fuck was going on? Damian rushed forward to the living room where the noises were coming from. He found Dick pulling a man up off the floor, still giggling to himself whilst the man grumbled something under his breath. Damian gripped his bag strap tightly, nervously if he allowed himself to be honest, and coughed to make his presence known. The man jumped at the sound and stared at him in surprise whilst the acrobat gave him a soft welcoming smile.

"Hey Dami, what're you doing here?"

"What is he doing here? Who is that man?"

"This is Wally West-"

"Why are you using my full name?" Wally asked.

"He likes using last names. You get used to it," he explained. "Anyway, what are you doing here? You should be in Gotham."

"You're courting West? As in Kid Flash West?" Damian asked, once again avoiding the question of why he was there in the first place. Maybe that was rude and purposefully evasive but the fact of the matter was there was someone dating someone he cared about dearly and he didn't even know. "For how long?"

"It's not been long, honest! Nobody knows outside of Barry and Iris. I was waiting for the right time which brings me back to asking what brought you here?"

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now