Question is, why are you pretending?

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Your usual getting-together fic for birdflash with a hair-brained scheme and some smut which I haven't written in a while so let's see how that goes

there'll be a lil warning before the smut starts so you don't have to see if you wanna just read the getting together part and warning when it ends so that you just get the implication of what they did 

Wally liked parties. Although he could never get drunk at them thanks to his metabolism, he still enjoyed it like the extrovert he was and cocktails basically tasted like juice so he could get a sugar rush at the very least. So when invited to a Justice League party, how on Earth was he going to turn it down? Well, it wasn't just a Justice League party which was the draw. Dick had been the one to ask if he wanted to tag along since none of the Bats wanted to come. Granted, most were still under the legal drinking age and/or didn't want to be around that many Leaguers so it was no wonder that Dick was the only one of them who wanted to go. 

A few months prior, he and Dick moved in together. Admittedly it wasn't the most practical of setups given they worked in two different cities but Wally certainly didn't mind living in Bludhaven with his best friend/crush. Yeah, crush. See he'd actually intended to say something before they moved in together but he could never work up the courage and things just kept in the way. Whether it be a rogue bat suddenly needing Dick for some mission or other, either of their cities being in crisis or just being too busy, something always got in the way of Wally confessing. 

When he first heard of the party, he had no ulterior motive. He was getting to hang out with his best friend and co-workers on the very rare occasion they got to chill and he'd been specifically asked by his roommate. He ignored that it could've been considered a formality and he was expected to show up being a hero after all. It was when he was talking to Barry about things that he got an idea to use to it as a means to an end.

"I still can't believe you haven't said anything yet," Barry had said. "You're gonna have to say something soon. He's a bachelor, it's only a matter of time before he brings someone else home and you get a third roommate."

"He doesn't want to date civies remember? Doesn't stop him bringing some of them home," he muttered under his breath. Sometimes undercover missions ended with some unintended consequences. Wally had no right to be jealous on the few occasions he spotted his roommate escorting his latest short-term companion to the door but he still felt himself glare despite himself. "Besides, saying something now will make things weird if he doesn't like me back."

"I'm pretty sure he likes you bud. You two are inseparable."

"Platonic love is a thing, dude."

"Well, why don't you just say something at the party? His brothers have his territory covered for the night so you won't get your head ripped off and last I heard, he was stressed about a case so he'll be partaking in refreshments if you catch my drift." He didn't.

"What're you trying to say?"

"He's never been to a party with you right?"


"So we're gonna have some pretty strong stuff here for the bulkier guys, he won't question if you get drunk and confess something or he'll get drunk and you can tell him then and he'll probably forget about it by morning."

"Like a practice run?"

"Yeah! That way it gets brushed off as being too drunk if it goes bad and things between you can go back to normal. You'll know how he feels so you can move on or if you should repeat yourself when you're both sober." 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now