Always carry two

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I gave Dick an allergy because I can and who's going to stop me? no one!

remember if you have an allergy to always check/ask if it has come in contact with anything such as your food, your clothes, hair dye etc because allergies are no joke 

please stay safe out there and take care of yourselves

Though his relationship with Bruce was as shaky as a table with only a tiny cocktail stick holding it up, Dick still liked to visit Gotham from time to time. He especially liked to spend time with the newest of the Robins, Tim Drake. He didn't know what it was but the kid brightened his day just that little bit. He guessed it was because Tim reminded him of himself. Smart, funny, confident. Plus he felt like he needed to get to know him. Just in case. He decided to avoid the manor and by association avoid Bruce by picking the teen up at school then taking him out to a pizzeria. He had a few coupons for it and he thought he may as well use them. Tim was just as happy to spend time with him. He was the first Robin! Not only that, but he paved the way for plenty of younger heroes. He led his own team at sixteen and he was his own established hero of his entire city. Considering Dick had begun as an acrobat in a circus, he'd certainly come a long way. Tim remembered when he was an acrobat though Dick's memory had been rather foggy of their meeting. That night's end was enough to push away anything that preceded it that wasn't related so he didn't hold it against him. Dick would always tell him stories about his time as Robin and he hardly shied away from telling him things Bruce would never mention. His favourite story was the one where Bruce lost Dick for an entire hour only to find out he'd been sitting on the chandelier watching the chaos below. Tim wished he'd been there to see it but he also liked that Dick was a lot older because he was just old enough to have a little wisdom but not old enough to say he knew it all. He made mistakes and there was something comforting in that. Plus he was way too energetic as a child.

Tim waved goodbye to his friends before strolling over to the parking lot where Dick said he'd meet him. He smiled upon seeing his brother posing for a picture with a few senior girls who'd recognised him. Always the performer. He bet if the other were still in the circus he'd be just as loved by the ladies. "It was nice meeting you. I liked you before it was cool by the way," the tallest of the girls stated proudly after taking a selfie with the older. 

"No, you didn't! You liked him after I told you about him. You're such a liar Nicole." 

"You're the liar Michelle." He chuckled and shook his head at them.

"I appreciate any support that comes my way," he offered, hoping they'd stop glaring at one another. The downfalls of being so handsome he thought to himself. People were just biting at each other's necks to impress him. Even these girls who clearly didn't understand there was no way he would date a high schooler.

"Yeah well, I'm still a much bigger fan."

"Girls girls, I'm clearly the biggest fan," Tim announced with a smile. Dick turned around with a relieved look, not fancying hearing girls go back and forth for much longer. "Now can you shoo? We've got places to be." The girls glared at him but listened. They left, bickering to each other about who was the better fan. The brothers just laughed at them. 

"I owe you one Timmy. I thought they'd never leave."

"Oh, you'll definitely pay me back. Are we walking there?" he asked, noticing that Dick didn't have his iconic motorcycle with him. 

"Yep. Someone decided to key it so it's in the shop right now. That's $750 down the drain," he explained in an exasperated tone. The younger frowned.

"I can pay for dinner if that'll help?" Dick cackled and tussled his hair before shaking his head. 

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