Dying is more than your heart stopping

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CherryBerry952 wanted a few of my random dialogues expanded on so I'll post the others at some point but here's the first!!

It was supposed to be a bit of fun. Some brotherly bonding after all the shit the family had been through. They'd lost so much that it had come as a wake-up call to reconnect. Dick was the one who offered most likely due to him being the one who was taken from the family. After Christmas, Dick offered Jason a patrol in Bludhaven. He argued he could do with a hand on a big case which would be his first since regaining his memories and sense of self. Jason was tempted to say no but then Barbara had contacted him. 

"Please go with him," she said. Concern was laced between her words as she spoke and he got the feeling he wasn't allowed to say no to the offer extended to him. "He really needs it. He's...he's not himself and I think you'd understand his situation more than anyone else. After what happened with the Lazarus Pit." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. 

"Fine, I'll tag along. He won't be weird, will he? I'm not exactly the person you talk about your feelings with."

"I don't know Jay. That's the scary part. I couldn't tell you how much he's pretending to be fine and I can always tell." He knew she was worried and in all honesty, he was too. Dick could be complicated and he'd been through enough already to come out the other end twisted and mangled from his experiences. "Promise you'll go?"

"Alright alright. Dickhead and I will have some quality brother time if it'll make you happy."


So here they were. The pair were doing undercover work mixed with a stakeout. The car was unregistered and they were in plain clothes. Jason all but demanded to drive and Dick decided to take his chances on his brother's driving. He picked him up from a coffee shop, Dick got them food and much-needed coffee for the hours it would take to get a lead before they drove to an alley facing an abandoned building that wasn't completely abandoned. They sat in silence for a bit whilst they stared, waiting to see anyone who entered or left. It was Dick who decided to strike up a conversation. "I forgot how boring these were," he commented as he leaned his chair back to get comfortable. They'd be there for a while and he didn't want to spend it cramped up. 

"Yeah?" Jason replied, deciding the conversation would be better than silence no matter how domestic it was.

"Yeah. I remember when I was Robin doing them. First-year me was allergic to them," he continued. 

"I think I was just as bad. Sitting there whilst there was action on the other side of the city made my skin crawl," the younger added. "I try not to do them as much now."

"Me too. I think."

"You think?" he repeated with a curious look.

"Memory is still on the fritz. I remember some stuff, don't remember other stuff." Dick stared, unblinking, before shaking his head and shifting in his seat. He took a sip of his coffee and quickly scribbled down a description of someone entering the building. "Did I tell you I got a dog?"

"You didn't," Jason replied. 

"Found her on the street. Only got three legs and the moment I find her, she bites me."

"Oh my God, you're replacing Damian with a dog."

"I am not!" Dick squeaked, lightly hitting the older on the shoulder. "Called her Haley. After y'know Haley. Pretty obvious there. Babs gets a real kick out of calling her Bitewing." 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now