Thank you for my pornography

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Nothing like a title referencing Good Omens to kick off a smut 

If you're wondering why this isn't in my smutbook it's because I always get really intimidated whenever I get onto it for some reason - i no longer have the smutbook so take from that what you will

So if you guys don't like smut then I do have a demon dick and talon dick book you could take a gander at for this week

Speedster DNA was different in many ways and Wally knew most of the differences between him and his boyfriend. Keyword being most. You see there were some things that his uncle hadn't told him which would've been way too awkward to talk about. In hindsight, he probably should've explained why every month or so Wally got horny. Incredibly horny. Like hornier than what a usual human felt. Here proceeds an instance of this problem.

These flashes of horniness usually came on suddenly and in the worst of times. This time had been at a mall whilst Dick was looking for jeans. His hips and his thighs made finding jeans rather annoying because he didn't fit in the regular male jeans. Wally knew that when he entered the shop it'd be a while before he came back out but he didn't mind. He knew his boyfriend really wanted to find the right pair and he knew he'd be thanked later for his wait so it was worth it. Or at least it had been. As he sat in the chair provided for those waiting for people in the dressing room, he felt that familiar feeling that he'd come to dread. He must've been there for no more than ten minutes when he felt that flush of heat run through his body. He shifted a little. Maybe he was just sat under a heating unit or something. He moved over to the other chair to see if that helped. It didn't. The heat was following him. He glanced around. There was a chair closer to the waiting room and from what he could see there was no vent. He walked over and sat there. Still, his body felt too warm. He felt his mind drift off. His boyfriend would look great in the right pair of jeans. He'd look great out of those jeans, under Wally, begging for more. Wally shook his head. No, he had to keep to clean family-friendly thoughts. Okay, think. Out of the memories he had, he focused on the one where Dick and himself had ice cream together. They were watching TV and he remembered glancing over. Dick's tongue was licking up the spoon and flicked at the end. He'd seen that move before. Granted, the hero was usually on his knees and it wasn't on a spoon. Nope, not family-friendly. Think think. He tapped his foot. Okay, focus on the foot. He counted the tapping and concentrated on making sure it didn't go too fast. As he looked at his knee bouncing up and down, his mind gave him the image of Dick sitting on his thigh. Riding his thigh to be exact. The acrobat's mouth hung open ever so slightly and small moans fell out. No Wally. Damn his mind. He folded his legs as he felt his pants tighten. He was wearing a hoodie so when they were walking around he could try to conceal his very obvious problem by pulling it down and putting his hands in his pockets but it would still be rather odd-looking. He pulled out his phone and texted Dick. "How long till you're done?"

"I literally just started. Bored already?" Wally bit his lip as he felt himself grow even more uncomfortable. 

"Speedster issue :("

"Gimme a sec babe xx" He really was a saint. Wally would make it up to him later.

It took a few minutes but Dick eventually left the dressing room with his jeans in hand. A clerk who was working that area of the shop floor greeted him and asked if he needed anything. Wally immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, pulling him close by his hips. He glared at the clerk who shot him a confused bordering on offended look. "Everything was fine, just not the right size. We've got somewhere to be so I'll have to come back later. Would you mind putting these back for me?" Dick asked politely. The employee nodded and took the jeans from him, quickly walking away. "Be nice Walls."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now