Where's my daughter?

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Dick ran out of the room with a hand clamped over his mouth, tears lining his eyes. His siblings chased after him in confusion and feared what the truth was. If only him, Alfred and Bruce knew of this mystery girl and no one else did then what happened to her? Why had they never heard of her before? "Dick? Who is Rachel?" Steph asked. The older shook his head upon hearing the name and found a seat before his legs gave out from underneath him. The room felt so tiny despite being big enough to fit all of them which required a lot of room if they didn't want a homicide. His chest was tight as his breathing picked up. They watched helplessly as he desperately tried to get a hold of himself before he got too far into the feeling of despair and panic. He was promised that the name would never come up again. That Rachel would remain buried and would never see the light of day again. It would never be uttered within these walls. Yet here he was years after the promise was made, having it being broken by the very person who promised it. He couldn't even be mad. His family needed an answer as to who Rachel was and he could see they wanted to know but he couldn't get the words out around his sharp inhales. It shouldn't affect him as much as it did. The name had long since lost any meaning and power it once held but hearing it being said so earnestly had struck him deep. Concern was laced through his sibling's expressions, having abandoned their mentor with Alfred in favour of finding the truth in one of the three people who knew who Rachel was. The first was Bruce, the second being Alfred. Why did Bruce have to do this to him?

A few nights prior, Bruce received one serious head injury and was sent into a coma that no one was sure how long would last. So they waited around the room, periodically being visited by doctors who would tell them the same thing whenever they asked for updates. They didn't know how long the coma would last and they didn't know how bad the after-effects would be. Everyone tried their best to visit at least once a day. Jason usually visited at 5 am, somehow finding a way to get in outside of visiting hours. Tim and Damian would always arrive an hour early to visiting times, spent that hour fighting and then calmed down when Dick arrived with Alfred although they did throw taunts at one another. Steph would arrive in the afternoon with Cass usually bearing doughnuts. That's when Jason would casually appear and Dick would go for coffee just in time for Duke to pop in. The system repeated itself until one afternoon where they were all together, there was a stir from the bed. A doctor was called immediately and the relief of the family was tangible when they saw their patriarch open his eyes for the first time in days. "Can you hear me Mr Wayne?" the doctor called. Bruce's eyes dragged from the ceiling over to the other man and nodded slowly, a confused expression appearing on his face. "Can you confirm verbally?"

"Yeah. I can hear you," he replied, his voice more gravelly than usual. It sounded like he'd been gargling glass. Dick swiftly fetched a bottle of water but waited patiently for the go-ahead. He didn't want to do anything wrong if there happened to be a need for emergency surgery. 

"Do you know where you are?"

"I'm in a hospital," he supplied. 

"And what's the current year?"

"2005," he answered. Any relief previously felt disappeared, most noticeably from Alfred and Dick. The pair glanced at one another with an expression that could only be read as panic. They knew something specific but none of the siblings questioned it. Something to do with Robin probably happened that year that neither of them was really over. That tended to be the trend. 

"Alright, it appears you've received some memory loss. You came in with a severe head injury and you've been in a coma for five days." Bruce's eyebrows furrowed but he followed instructions carefully as doctors assessed if only his memory had been affected. They couldn't decide if it was fortunate or unfortunate that memory loss seemed to be the only issue. After all, he would only remember Alfred and Dick but maybe he'd remember the rest of them with time.

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