I hate everything I see right here

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Priscilla_Mack  you thought you could escape angst? hahahaha no


Another CW for suggestive themes 

Dick had been off the Bat family's radar for a while. He'd gone off to university and insisted that he wanted to be left alone. He wanted complete independence and, although it was hard for them, they allowed it. Most had faith in him, Damian less so since he couldn't think how Dick was going to pay for university fees. His question was answered one fateful night in Bludhaven.

One of Batman's cases led the family to a strip club in Bludhaven that was coincidentally not far from Dick's university. They had sent him a text to see if they could meet up and take this on together but he hadn't responded. They didn't think too much of it since he was a busy university student now so they went ahead with the mission with the thought to stop by his apartment at the end of the night. They were undercover for this mission and planned to remain low profile so they could find a stripper that would trust them enough to tell them where the guns were being sold. Upon entering the club, they split up but remained in contact using their comm units. "You've all got $1000 dollars, that should last 10 dances or 5 private rooms. Choose your targets wisely," Bruce reminded them. They nodded and picked out people in the crowds. Jason had just ordered a drink and was looking around to make sure his family members didn't notice him. "You're new here," the bartender stated, pouring his shot of whiskey. 

"Just got into town. Heard this place was one of the best," Jason responded. 

"You came here on a good night then. Bluebird is performing. There's a reason the owner hogs him all night," they mentioned. The lights lowered a little in the club and the music got a tad louder. The bartender smiled and gestured towards the stage. "Looks like he's on." Jason turned around out of interest. He was thankful he didn't take a sip of his drink because he would've spat it out upon seeing the stripper. His brother, Richard John Grayson-Wayne, was on stage. Shakily, he reached to his comm unit. "Uhm, look on stage," he said quietly. The shock had taken his voice. There was silence. He could tell everyone was just as stunned to see the baby of the family in a sparkly blue thong pole dancing to some pop song. 

It took the entire performance for them to be knocked out of their shock when the owner got up and held out his hand for Dick to take. Dick flashed him a smile and elegantly walked down the steps then followed him to one of the private rooms as a sea of disappointed faces watched. "That's the seller," Tim stated. 

"I've got visual on three bodyguards outside the room," Bruce added. "Jason, create a distraction. Everybody else, masks on." Jason nodded and got up. He walked over to a group of guys and threw his drink over them. They whipped around and Jason thumbed over to a group of different guys who were really drunk. The men got up and started yelling, revving up the drunk guys who thought they were all that. Soon a fight broke out and the three bodyguards guarding the door ran to break it up. When they did, Bruce, Tim, and Damian slipped into the private room. Dick was sitting on the owner's lap whilst the man's hands traversed his body. "Hands off of him!" Batman yelled. Dick turned to see them and went instantly red with embarrassment whilst the owner just got angry. 

"One-second baby," he told Dick, moving him off his lap. He stood up and showed them his gun as a threat though it did nothing to intimidate the three heroes. "I suggest you get the hell out unless you want bullets riddled through you." Nightwing narrowed his eyes and threw a smoke bomb on the floor. Before the man could even reach for the gun he was thrown to the ground and had handcuffs on. Batman grabbed Dick and dragged him to the nearest exit to the alley. Dick's mind was running a thousand miles per hour as he was snatched from the private room and thrown into the alley. "B, I know this looks bad but-"

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