Listen to your daughter, dickwad

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Christelightlavo wanted fem Dick so let's go with Rikki because CLEO GET OUT OF THE WATER-

This would be the last patrol before Rikki's wedding and she had a burning question that needed to be asked. Of course, she had to wait until the last minute because she was so nervous about the answer she'd get. She didn't know if this was overstepping boundaries. Not after the years of not speaking to one another and the animosity when they finally did. Wally assured her that it wasn't that deep and she just needed to ask but she wasn't sure. With a kiss of good luck from her soon to be husband, Nightwing set out for the streets of Gotham with one question. Will you give me away?

Nightwing met Batman on top of a rooftop in the heart of Gotham. She sat on the edge kicking her legs as she waited for him to choose the best case to begin with. "So uhm B, I have a question about...about the wedding," she began nervously. He hummed, clearly disinterested in it for the time being. Maybe this wasn't the best of ideas. Someone else could do it. Clark would love to do it. He'd always thought of his niece as a daughter in some way but that didn't feel right. He hadn't raised her as Batman had. "I already have everything sorted so you don't need to ask about anything," he responded dismissively.

"Well, not everything is sorted. There's still an issue of-" She was cut off by the sound of a canister hitting the floor followed by a loud hiss. She jumped up and her eyes darted to the sound as she began to cough. Something was stinging her nose and throat, tempting her to escape to a blissful sleep to avoid the pain. "Bats?" she mumbled, a weak attempt to call for him. He was slumping to the floor along with her. With tired eyes, she supposed if he could give in, she could too. She collapsed and fell into a dreamless unconscious. 

It was silent when Nightwing woke up which was her first sign they were in trouble. The city was never silent. It was loud and bustling, alive with so many people going about their lives. This place was much too quiet. She lifted her head up and tilted her neck to one side to crack it. She must've had it hanging like that for a while. She shuffled. Her arms were tied with a thick rope and she was pressed up against a wooden chair. She moved again. Correction, a creaky wooden chair. Perfect. Nightwing glanced around to get an idea of her surroundings. They were in a storage room judging by the number of crates. Crates owned by a tea company. Or was that just a cover? There was no smell in the room she could discern that would be the tell so it was something sinister that couldn't be smelt. Interesting. In front of her sat her's and her mentor's utility belts which was a massive mistake on their kidnapper's part. Once she was freed, she could get them easily. Beside her sat Batman who groaned upon coming too. He was in the same position but when he shuffled his chair didn't creak. Good to know. The room wasn't that big and there was a large fluorescent light above their heads. A dirty yellow light. So this place didn't have much money funnelled into it. A lowly gang perhaps? Someone who caught them at the perfect time. Oh, they were in for a right treat. "How're you feeling Batsy?" she asked, her tone light and carefree. He seemed to notice that and sent her an odd look. 

"Fine. You?"

"Great. Though I don't doubt there'll be a headache soon. You wanna get outta here or do you wanna mess with our captors?" she inquired. His odd look deepened. 

"What on earth are you planning?"

"A little trick that's all." He hummed sceptically. "What? I'm a circus girl. Of course I have a little trick." 

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