You can see him too?

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I got this idea from @theactorbat on tik tok and thought it would be fun to write 


It had meant to be a joke—one that was maybe a little cruel but nothing more than a joke between brothers. Besides, everyone played the prank of pretending someone wasn't real to piss someone off. Their prank of choice put a spin on the classic. For the whole day, the brothers were going to pretend that Jason wasn't real but only Dick wasn't in on the prank. Alfred warned that if the acrobat asked him then he'd tell him about the prank and Bruce was way too tired to put a stop to them, he simply requested they leave him alone to sleep until dinner. Part of the reason he went down so easily had been them insisting this would be good training for lying if and when they had to on missions. Maybe if he'd been a bit more on the ball he would've mentioned something rather important.

Dick poured himself his second cup of coffee for the day, feeling rather proud of himself that he was cutting back. It'd been a recommendation from Leslie, something about caffeine making his anxiety worse so he should try to manage his lifestyle whilst on whatever medication she'd given him. He probably shouldn't be so readily accepting of pills he couldn't even pronounce but he doubted she'd try to pull something with them considering their night gig. He was just about done when Jason strolled into the room and hopped up onto the counter beside him. 

"Hey Jay, did I miss anything whilst I was out?" he asked.

"I wouldn't know," the younger replied with a bored expression. No surprises there. They didn't gravitate to the Manor as much as they used to although for different reasons they were still avoiding the same person. They only came together a few times when Alfred demanded to see the kids he considered grandchildren and there was no denying the butler's wish. He shrugged to himself and picked up his coffee taking a sip. Hopefully, that meant that Damian hadn't been instigated by Tim yet or vice versa. He really didn't want to spend an hour explaining how to be civil with one another. 

"Just get here, did you?"

"Got here the same time as you did. You're the reason I'm here." He tilted his head curiously, wondering what that meant. It certainly wasn't said with the usual tone Jason used when he admitted someone was important to him. The tone sounded too bored but not sarcastic enough to be a joke either. The statement itself was just that. A statement. It just didn't make sense because why would he be the reason for coming here? If Jason wanted help with something then it would be said so in a text.

"What do you mean?"

"You're the one who made me," Jason answered. What? 

"Is this some dig about Robin? I'm really not in the mood to have another argument about it, I thought we laid it to rest."

"Like you laid me to rest?"

"If I really made you, then you'd know I was in space for your funeral," he deadpanned. There was a brief look of shock on his brother's face before being replaced with a neutral expression and a shrug to match. "What're you playing at? Did you get hit on the head on patrol? You really should be careful of head injuries they get easier to get over time."

"Who're you talking to?" Tim asked, strolling into the room and going straight for the coffee. No surprises there but what did he mean by who he was talking to? Was there a gas leak or something? 

"Uh Jay," he answered. The teen gave him a funny look before checking the room and then turning back to him with the same confused expression. 

"Jason isn't here. He's not supposed to arrive till later. You know how he hates family dinners so he puts them off." Dick felt a pit form in the bottom of his stomach and swallowed thickly. He could feel the colour drain from his face so he quickly turned to put the cup back on the countertop.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now