How brave can a Robin be (RevBatfam)

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When I first began making one shots I made a story called how brave can a robin be. I was still pretty new to that stuff and I think I've grown enough to rewrite it in a different au

EDIT: sleep deprived brain decided to ignore the notes i made for this which said to tag Priscilla_Mack as they were the one to suggest doing reverse batfam - leave me alone I haven't slept in over 24 hours at this point so shhhhh


I have done as much research as I could on the subject before delving into this topic but I am well aware that there are probably things that could only come from experience with this and I haven't experienced this. As I do when having sensitive topics I will leave helplines

If you believe there is any type of misrepresentation or any sort of unintended offense, please contact me and I will take this story down and make revisions

Batman groaned uncomfortably as he was brought out of his dreamless unconscious. He felt something tight around his wrists, pulling them up above his head, and they didn't budge when he pulled on them. He looked around his immediate area. All his boys were accounted for and seemed to be waking up around the same time, except his youngest who remained still with his head slumped forward. The Dark Knight tried to think back as to what got them here. They were working a case. Sex work he thought. Yeah, it was sex work. They had a massive break in the case and he felt that Robin was old enough to work the case too. That and they needed all the help he could get. They'd been searching the building and they'd split up to make sure everyone was out. Then things went black. Shit. "Is everyone alright?" he announced, scanning their faces. 

"On a scale of 1-10, I'm hitting a strong 3," Red Robin grumbled.

"5," Red Hood added.

"7," Nightwing commented which was no surprise to them. Of course, he'd brave face it. Their chattering stirred Robin who's small stature wasn't helping him chug through whatever they'd been knocked out by. He let out a near inaudible whine, struggling to lift his head up. "Someone's still tired," Red Robin teased. He gave the younger a light kick to give him a jumpstart which seemed to work a little. It got him to open his eyes and glance up at the least. "Morning sunshine."

"Where am I?" Robin slurred.

"Chained up somewhere. Probably a basement judging by how cold it is," Red Hood answered.

Before they could divulge in any more conversation, the door to the room opened and a man stepped inside. He matched Nightwing in stature but his features were very different. He had oak brown hair and dull green eyes. "How'd you curious bats sleep? Good I hope," he announced. They knew the man straight away as their culprit behind the sex ring, Tony Falcon. "Why are we here?" Batman asked. If they'd been knocked out for however long, he wanted to know what stopped the man from killing them. The criminal smiled and walked further into the room. Immediately his eye seemed to settle on their youngest. He even dared to give the teen a wink which Robin was much too tired to react to. "You already know my line of work I assume. I'm sure you'd all fetch a pretty penny, even if you're not used like my guys and girls," Tony answered. "Now that'd be a wonderful headline. "Batfamily turned whores." Oh, I can't wait to see it when I read the morning newspaper." He walked over to Robin and lifted his head up. His hands felt inhumanely cold, sending shivers down the hero's spine. The simple action sent a flurry of glares his way. He chuckled at the reaction he got. "This one is brand new, isn't he? Not an ounce of experience under his belt." Tony laughed under his breath at the way Robin squirmed when he let his hand travel down. 

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