Nothing I do is pointless

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Glee4lili requested a while ago and because i have so many requests as well as my upload schedule being once a week rather than whenever it does take a hot minute to get them out

TW: there is a depiction of a seizure near the end of the story that i feel may cause some distress//vomit

"What's going on?" Bart asked as the young team were ushered into the living room by their older teammates. They were given little explanation for why they were exchanging time in the training room for time in the living room. That wasn't too unusual though. Dick had a habit of either forgetting to explain what was happening or keeping things a surprise. Of course, that was mostly for domestic situations. Mostly. The young heroes took seats on the couch as M'gann messed with the TV and Dick handed out notepads with pens. This was certainly an odd time for a quiz. Once the martian finished setting things up, she went to one of the breakfast bar stools and got herself comfortable. 

"I thought I'd give you a chill day since you've been working so hard. You'll be watching some of our old footage and writing down things we did well and things we did wrong." He took the remote and went to play the first clip. "This is a mission I wasn't present on so go ahead and write that down as something that's wrong." M'gann gave the hero a swift glare from across the room. It was like a dog huffing at you because you didn't give them a piece of food they wanted - overall not intimidating but filled to the brim with guilt. The team turned to what made Dick smile nervously only to find M'gann looking through a magazine. "This mission was used as practice for the team's hacking skills without me present since at this time I was spending most of my time in Gotham. The mission objective was to collect two files on possible Luthor funded projects that would mean trouble in the future."

"How come we haven't done one of those missions?" Jaime asked. Beetle and Tim were the hackers of the team so it'd be nice if the others could at least manage to turn off security alarms. When half the team were getting put in a cell and couldn't get out when a few basic skills could get themselves out.

"Because we're still training everyone in essential abilities since this is what happened when you assume a bunch of teenagers could do a course without anyone looking over their shoulder," Dick explained. The footage came from a CCTV camera as the first had and opened with the scene of Kid Flash and Artemis. In the background, they could hear fighting so the rest was probably keeping the pair safe whilst they worked at the computer.

Kid Flash put his hands on the keyboard for a moment and typed in a password. The screen went red and a short buzz sounded off. He gritted his teeth as Artemis punched him in the arm. "What're you doing Baywatch I thought you said you knew what to do?" she angrily asked. A number flashed on the screen. 2. "Great only two more chances."

"Hey don't sweat the guy that's gonna save your ass. You wouldn't do that to Robin," he snapped back. He shoved her a little before returning his focus to the screen. 

"Yea I wouldn't because he would've already gotten the info by now. Ugh, what did you even guess?" He didn't reply for a moment prompting her to ask again.



"I suppose this is a bad time to say I haven't been doing any of that work Bat set us?" Artemis went to give him the verbal ass beating he was so surely asking for when she paused and copied his nervous guilty expression. "And you haven't either?" She nodded. "Hey guys, has anyone actually done that hacking work?" There was silence and it wasn't because the team were fighting. "Great so none of us did the work cool. We can just ask Rob right?"

"He'll be with Batman! Do you want us to be benched?"

"Well, what do you suggest? It's not like I can get into the code of this thing so we need a password and I really doubt there's a sticky note knocking about with it," Kid Flash pointed out. The archer shoved him away from the keyboard with a huff and thought for a moment as she rested her fingers on the keys. Eventually, she types something only for it to flash red. "One more shot," Kid Flash stated.

"I know!" she barked. She thought again and angrily muttered a curse in defeat. "Can't we just take the computer or something?" she suggested. The ginger stared at her for a moment then looked at the computer. 

"Not a bad idea Blondie." He proceeded to grab the monitor and ran off with the team presumably following suit. 

The clip ended and Dick looked to the team who were finishing up their notes. "Let's start with positives here," he announced. He doubted there'd be very many. Jaime put his hand up first so the acrobat pointed to him to speak.

"They had people protecting them whilst they worked?" 

"Good shout. Whenever you have someone working at something that requires concentration it's important to have everyone else deal with possible threats," he explained. It seemed not many had positives as it took a while for the next person to put their hand up.

"There was an attempt?" Bart suggested. It was bare-bones but there wasn't much they did right. 

"Debatable but I'll give you it. Now to the very obvious negatives." A flurry of hands went up at that. He cackled softly as M'gann grumbled in the background about them not being that bad. "Quickfire go!"

"No one did the course," Tim deadpanned.

"They took the screen," Jaime pointed out.

"Kid Flash's password guess was dumb!" Cassie exclaimed.

"They didn't contact you when they had the chance," Garfield added.

"Ugh this is stupid," La'gaan groaned. He closed the notebook and put his pen down defiantly. "We're just watching you guys be stupid it's pointless!"

Silence took hold of the room as they all stared at their leader. Dick was a lenient leader. He let a lot of things slip that he probably shouldn't but they were all pretty sure this wasn't going to be one of them. Dick was quiet. Bad sign number one. Dick then took the remote and began striding over to the hero who now looked like he really regretted saying anything. Dick's expression was calm. Bad sign number two. "Nothing I do is pointless." His tone was stern and that was bad sign number three. "If you'll so kindly give me a chance to show you another clip, I can certainly prove that." La'gaan gulped as he turned his attention to the TV where the next piece of footage was being played. As it played, Dick explained everything. "Context: I'm heavily drugged and unable to do much more than lay there. The team has been separated and Connor was the first to find me. As you can see, I went into a seizure and threw up. Connor didn't know how to react." The team watched uncomfortably as they were shown Connor panicking, his hands constantly ghosting over Dick's body but having no idea what to do. "Luckily the mind link went up at this time and Kaldur could help walk him through what to do. The intervention was late but I'd take a lung infection and constant surveillance in case of another seizure over death." He turned the TV off and looked at La'gaan. "All this footage points out the importance of your basics. You need to know this and a reminder of how essential they are was clearly needed if you found this session pointless. Feel different now?" The other gulped and sank into the couch a little, nodding. "Good. Here's another skill I hope you'll learn. Judgement. You can't make one when you don't have all the information." Dick then smiled and put the remote back down. "I think that's enough work for today. Keep a hold of these notes and I trust you enough to make the most out of the information given to you today. I'm heading back to Bludhaven but feel free to call me in if you need to." 

With that, he left and the team sat quietly. "You really need to learn to shut up," Jaime muttered.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now