Owl House AU

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Aw11041 requested an Owl House AU literally last year I'm pretty sure and I've only just gotten around to it BUT I hope you like it!!

I made up Dick's coven because it's me and he's my special little guy - I imagine he's in the circus coven which puts together the illusion cove (to pull off really cool tricks) and oracle coven (so they can put on the best shows) - also Damian would totally be on track for the emperors coven the little shit and i could decide on Jasons so i thought it'd be cool that instead of dying he got trapped in the human realm and didn't get to choose a coven so he's all wild magic

Curiosity killed the cat was a phrase that Tim had always ignored. Advances in science and medicine happened because someone got curious about something so how on Earth could curiosity be bad? Well, it could be bad when a portal opens up in a forest and his brain decides to just head right on in without being sure where he was going to end up. He'd been wandering the forest of his new home for an hour before he saw the portal. The good part of having parents that were never home was the freedom to do whatever you wanted during the weekends as long as that thing wasn't spending time with your parents. So he'd decided to seize the day by exploring and that is how he promptly came across the portal.

It glowed within the darker denser part of the forest so it caught Tim's eye immediately. He didn't quite believe his eyes at first so he picked up a rock and threw it, watching in awe as it went through and landed on the other side. He couldn't see much of where it led. All he could see was a similar-looking woodsy scene although it was tinted with a slightly yellow hue. He approached it carefully, looking on either side of it and marvelling at how it appeared to be 2D whilst existing in a 3D place. It was fascinating, to say the least. Seeing as the rock had gone through just fine and was now sitting there on the ground, he decided to bite the bullet and put his hand through. It didn't feel any different. He tilted his head and put his whole arm through this time. Then, his confidence grew and he stepped all the way through.

Immediately, he could see the differences he'd missed from his initial look through the portal. Now he could see the sky which was a muted magenta with golden clouds. It looked like the perfect sunset but the sun was clear in the sky. His mouth hung open as he took it all in. Even the woods scene he'd seen on the other side of the portal now looked different when he was standing amongst it. The leaves were more saturated than the ones he knew and the ground was the colour of sand despite having the consistency of soil. He took out his phone to take a picture to truly confirm to himself that what he was seeing was real when he heard a voice behind him.

"I'm nearly there, stop complaining," it said. 

Tim froze for a second before his flight or fight kicked in and urged him to seek a hiding place. His eyes darted around and he ran behind a cluster of bushes with leaves tinged ochre. He crouched so he could see who was coming whilst not being noticed himself. 

"Well, maybe you should stop bragging about being on the Emperor's Coven path hey? You know my opinion on it kid, I can be proud whilst hating it."

From out of the portal stepped a man with ears pinched like an elf. He had a shoulder-length curly mullet, his hair jet black but his eyes a bright blue. His clothes were odd. They had a medieval style to them yet somehow still felt modern. He'd look right in a Renfaire situation rather than in an everyday setting. Blue seemed to be the main colour of the outfit and he wore a black broach with a blue V shape in the middle. In his off-hand was a long staff that was a few inches shy of his own height and sat on top was what seemed to be a blue hawk. Tim watched as he closed the portal, AKA his only way back, and roll his eyes at whoever he was on the phone with. The phone, Tim had come to notice, was in the shape of a crow.

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