How do you keep up with it?

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crich0822 requested a sequel to Your Accent? and Say It 

I was given full control of this one so I apologize if you don't like it 

Starfire sighed as she walked into the room of heroes minus Robin but when she went unnoticed she repeated her sigh even louder. Once again she was ignored by her friends. With a frown, she walked in front of them all and sighed louder. "Yes? Is there something you'd like to say?" Raven huffed. She glanced up from her book but refused to put it down lest she be sucked into whatever thing this was. Knowing the alien it was either to do with Robin or to do with that weird pet of hers. 

"Robin hasn't slept in a while," she stated. The group stared at her unimpressed. "Are you not worried?" Why weren't they freaking out? Sleep deprivation was serious and she knew how she got without getting enough sleep so surely the effects would be worse for him since he was human.

"He's human, they fall asleep eventually," Raven informed her. Their friends nodded and continued to play their game, leaning to see the screen. Her frown deepened at that. 

"All of us fall asleep eventually! But he is human and they are fragile are they not?"

"'M not fragile," Robin grumbled. They whipped their heads around and jumped when they found he was standing right behind them.

"You gotta start wearing a bell dude!" Beast Boy exclaimed. His leader rolled his eyes before stifling a yawn.

"You jus gotta listen out," he replied. 

When he first spoke they hadn't noticed anything about his voice since they were recovering from being jump scared but once he spoke again they all noticed it. His voice, more specifically his accent, was wrong. They glanced around at one another, wondering if they just heard him wrong. If they hadn't then their day just got more exciting. "What did you say?" Cyborg asked. The hero glared at him and waved his hand dismissively before trudging to the kitchen to get his sixteenth cup of coffee. It was a wonder he was standing up. They watched him closely but couldn't quite tell if his slight clumsiness was from not sleeping for the last few days or from him being some kind of shapeshifting alien struggling to imitate someone. 

"What're you starin' at?" he snapped, feeling their eyes on him. There it was again. It was his voice but it was a different accent. He glared at his cup when he didn't get an answer and looked over at them with a deep frown. "What?" 

"Where was our first real kiss?" Starfire asked. He squinted his eyes at her with a confused expression. 

"Why?" he replied slowly. He knew he was running slow from lack of sleep but he was sure they were confusing on purpose. He'd only just walked into the room and they were already acting weird. Maybe they were trying to teach him a lesson about sleep by acting weird to make him think the problem was him not them. Maybe he was just overthinking.

"Answer the question!" Beast Boy demanded, pointing a finger at him.  

"Tokyo," he answered, still unclear as to why this needed an answer. They breathed a sigh of relief which didn't aid in his complete bewilderment by the situation. 

"So you're definitely Robin but what's with your accent?" Cyborg asked. 

"Accent?" Robin repeated until he realised what they meant. He straightened up a little and they could practically hear his brain whirring to come up with something to explain it. He eventually decided on just not answering and walking out of the room with his coffee. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now