At least I have you pt 3

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Incywincyspider14 and GiovannaSales076 wanted a part three and this is the end 

Dick Grayson was dead. 

Well, the name was. The person was living as best as he could under the circumstances.

Dick Grayson died the moment that he got on the bus to Bludhaven and when he stepped off of it, he had no name and no insignia. He was just another face in a crowd of people going about their days. He didn't have a lot on him at the time due to leaving on the spur of the moment. In his backpack, he had the makings of a suit, a standard Batman-level CPU, all the money in his savings account and some weapons that weren't very well hidden in his bag. 

He knew when Jason was given the Robin title that it was no longer his own and when he died, Dick was even more sure that the title was no longer his. He needed something new. Something that could provide hope that Robin had once given but without the history of being in someone's shadow and replaceable. Nothing he thought of was really sticking so his suit remained a simple all-black bodysuit and a nameless identity to go alongside it.

When he moved to Bludhaven, he didn't have a home so he went on the hunt for abandoned subway tunnels he'd once explored when he was younger. Under both Gotham and Bludhaven were abandoned tunnels that were more trouble to tear down than to be left there and not many knew about their location. He'd eventually found a tunnel he could access with relative ease and after some searching, found some old subway cars he could make use of. It wasn't the nicest place in the world but it was his and it was rent-free. It should also deter anyone from finding him. Through looking up free pieces of furniture on the Facebook marketplace and some tactile dumpster diving, he'd managed to make the spot kind of nice. Sure it was freezing at night and was very dusty but because no bugs lived down there it was spider free. The most he'd get was a rat or two which he could deal with. 

After finding accommodation, next came the issue of money. Savings could only last him so long and as much as he could figure out ways to get out of paying for most things, food wasn't one of them if he didn't want to end up with food poisoning. He took up one-time jobs, usually moving things for people or helping them build things. Alongside the money, they'd sometimes give him a cup of tea or something else warm which he was always grateful for. One woman became a sort of regular. Her name was Theresa and she was around Alfred's age. She was also new to Bludhaven since her husband died and she needed somewhere new to start, originally being from Gotham as well. She was old so couldn't do much of the moving on her own and her sons lived in another country so they couldn't help. Dick loved doing jobs for her, eventually taking less money in return for the food she made. It was just nice to talk to someone. 

Work helped him through his grief or rather it gave him an outlet for his anger about Jason's death and everything surrounding it. There was no leaving the vigilante lifestyle even if he'd been fired from it before. Bludhaven was just as full of criminals as Gotham so he had plenty of people to punch. He'd adopted a persona to hide behind, one that cracked jokes and made quips whilst pummelling criminals. After only a month of being there and actively fighting crime, his laugh was treated like a tornado siren. Still, he needed a name to attach to the terror. He just didn't know of a good one.

His lair as he liked to call it had been coming along nicely and he was currently bundled up on the makeshift bed inside a subway car. He'd found an old DVD player in one of his dumpster diving adventures and Theresa had given him some DVDs that her son used to have. A lot of them weren't very good but Dick didn't have the heart to tell her that. Of the twenty or so she'd gifted to him, he only took an interest in five. One had taken his interest simply because there was nothing on it to tell him what it was. It was a blank CD with a blank case. He wondered what horribly pirated movie would be on it and booted it up as he ate his pot ramen. Static lit up his screen before cutting to none other than Superman sitting in a plush leather chair. He immediately recognised it as one of the old tapes the hero had done to "inspire future generations to do good." Dick chuckled to himself, shaking his head. He'd been young enough to be subjected to the videos in school and he'd told Clark in a cutting way only a child could do that it was boring and corny so he shouldn't do them again. He hadn't thought about Clark lately. In fact, he hadn't thought about anyone from his previous life in Gotham aside from Jason. He'd been purposefully putting his mind onto other things. The acrobat sighed and went to turn off the special, deciding it would do him no good to keep it on but he paused at the mention of a name. Nightwing.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now