Bedtime is essential

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Morally_Gray gave me this idea so everyone thank them

There weren't any manuals on how to raise your nine-year-old vigilante protege - probably because it was the perfect example of child endangerment - so Bruce was at a loss on some issues. Bedtime and discipline is a big one. When he was a kid, his punishment would be a cut on his allowance but Dick didn't really care that much about money enough for that to matter. Bedtime was difficult because he needed Dick to be out on patrol with him and then it was such a trek to get him back home and then go back out. Don't even get him started on making sure he didn't run off and/or touch something he wasn't supposed to. Luckily he had Alfred there to help and although he hadn't raised a pintsize crime fighter, he had raised Bruce and he was just as much as a handful. So when he said Dick's bedtime was at 11 pm, it was at 11 pm.  

"B, I don't need a harness!" Robin complained when his mentor clipped the reigns to him. Batman had seen it in a parenting magazine and although it was meant for those below five so they didn't walk into a road or faceplant the ground, he thought it would work pretty well. He of course suped them up but they were essentially the same as the ones he'd seen. They were still in their growing phase where they were getting used to one another and Robin hadn't exactly remembered that he was supposed to stay next to his mentor the whole night. He got distracted by something and then he'd disappear in an instant almost as if by magic. When it came to the job, that would come in handy but when it came to Batman's blood pressure, it was hell. There was nothing quite like the parental terror of knowing your child should be with you but looking down to find they weren't. It wasn't just that either. Robin was used to being an active kid playing on the grounds of a circus and not only that but he'd been a trained trapeze artist. Put two and two together and you get someone who's barely 4ft doing cartwheels on the edge of a building. Since finding that his parent's equipment had been tampered with, he'd been extra excited to get to the highest of buildings to do backflips that if done wrong would mean death. Batman didn't want to have a dead kid on his hands, both for practical and emotional reasons. 

"I know you don't want to but you do need it. You run off too much and what would happen if you got into trouble but I couldn't find you? I need to know where you are at all times," Batman justified. There was a long-suffering groan from the younger filled with dramatics and Batman braced himself for a tantrum but it didn't come. Robin didn't really have tantrums, he was more so dramatic and acted as though he was dying then a minute later he decided he could live with whatever grievance had crossed him. The older wondered if that's what his parents did to avoid tantrums. Was it some kind of technique that they taught him? He wished he could ask so he could get some advice. He was getting better at the parenting thing but he wasn't exactly the best. As one of his coworkers put it, he wasn't a dilf just yet. Just a hot guy. He didn't really get the phrasing. 

"Fine but if I get yoinked 'cause of this I will not be happy," Robin argued with a huff. 


"Fun word isn't it?"

"I see you two are preparing to leave?" Alfred commented as he cleaned their desk of cups. 

"Yep! Look what he has me wearing!" Robin announced, gesturing to the harness. The butler wore a ghost of a smile at the sight and he really wanted to see the face of criminals when they got their butts kicked by not only a child but a child wearing a harness. 

"It's for your safety sir. We can't have you getting hurt can we?" 

"That's if they catch me!" He went running to the Batmobile but Batman tightened his grip on the reigns forcing him to stay close. He ran on the spot for a moment before realising to which he pouted and sat on the ground. "I already hate this."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now