Because I'm a fucking icon

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_GetTraughtOrGetDead - I decided to lump in your request with something I was writing before because I'm lazy 

I managed to get Frosty9000isawesome 's request of normal bat sibling bonding fulfilled too so be proud of me plz 

EDIT: I was unaware that a made-up name here is already a character in something else and yknow what I refuse to change it 


Galas were the bane of every bat-sibling's existence. It was a night of passive-aggressive comments, rich drunk people, and a whole lot of standing about trying not to look like you were dead inside. They had to be there, by family-dictated rules, for at least two hours but it went much faster if they were all together. Luckily, this was one of those nights where they were all together and this happened to be the night Dick was prepared to cause a stir. The perfect combination.

Tim and Damian arrived with Bruce and were already dreading tonight. They didn't know if their brothers were coming and they wouldn't be able to stand two hours in the same room as one another without the older pair. They just made being in each other's presence semi-bearable. The pair made their way to the drinks table where someone tapped them on the shoulders. 

"Sup losers," Jason greeted. He was wearing a sharp black suit with a red tie, almost matching the younger two except they were wearing black ties. Typical bat attire but Jason preferred the pop of colour red gave. 

"When did you get here?" Tim asked, instantly brightening up. 

"Like ten minutes ago. Got a text from Goldie saying galas at this place have the best food and I'm broke," he answered. "Speaking of Goldie, I expected him to come with you."

"Grayson said it would be "too much effort" to come to the manor and then here," Damian explained. He picked a glass of water and helped himself to some of the food. He wasn't the biggest fan of eating food that had been left out in the open but he was particularly hungry. The food wasn't too bad either. Jason followed suit and piled up his plate with the finger foods, ignoring the glares he got from Gotham's upper class. If there was free food he was going to make the most of it. Tim only had the water, wishing there was coffee. Maybe he could sneak into the kitchen later and make himself one. The staff probably wouldn't care if he went back there. 

"I'm guessing Bruce is spending the night sexing chicks up," Jason began.

"Please never use Bruce and sexing chicks up in the same sentence ever again," Tim told him. There was a small smirk on his face despite his disgusted tone. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now