I'll kill you

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Okay so i was thinking about that time Batman punched his kid in the face and was like what if this was Robfire but I also wanted Damian so here's this

Also I keep seeing people calling Kori or Kory and I was watching Judas Contract with subtitles and they say Kory so I'm going with Kory. Take it up with the people who subtitled that movie not me

TW: Themes of violence (accidental in this case) against one's partner//BLOOD//BURNS




"Just leave it alone!" Kory shouted for the fifth time. She didn't want to keep going on about this stupid thing. So what if she didn't tell him she was going away for a mission where she had to act as someone's girlfriend which included kissing him in public...okay yeah she should've told him but he was being so extra about it. It was just a job it wasn't like she slept with the guy. She kissed people all the time to learn new languages and he never had a problem with that so why was he taking such an issue with her doing it romantically? It was even real romance!

"No, I won't leave it! When someone kisses me and I have no say in the matter you still get jealous! How is it fair that when you purposely kiss someone else I can't get a little mad?" Dick shouted back. Their team had slowly congregated into the living room to watch the verbal throwdown but neither of them had noticed. They were far too deep in the argument. 

"It was one time and for work! It's not like I'm running around getting with every guy I meet."

"But you still could've told me so then I would've known where you were or who you were with! I was worried sick and now I'm pissed off so nothing good would've come from not telling me!"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore!" Kory yelled. She turned around and folded her arms to show she met business but Nightwing wasn't backing down.

"Oh come on, you're acting like a teenager. Just explain your thought process or something because I'm struggling to understand how you thought this would ever be okay with me! What you did wasn't fair and crossed my boundaries. You would never let me get away with this." The alien gritted her teeth, her scowl getting fiercer. She was done with the conversation and she was done with him following her about trying to keep it going. They'd been fighting for hours because he wouldn't leave her alone. She'd just come back from a twelve-hour flight too. Now there is no excuse for what she did next. Although it hadn't been her intention, she'd done it all the same. 

"I said I don't want to talk about it anymore!" she repeated angrily. She blindly threw a star bolt in her boyfriend's direction. She'd intended for it to hit the floor by his feet so he'd stay where he was but her aim had been skewed by her anger. She heard a yelp of pain followed by the banging of pots and pans. Her eyes went wide as she turned around. 

Silently, Kory prayed that she'd skimmed her boyfriend's shoulder and accidentally hit the pans in the kitchen but she knew that wasn't true when she heard the thud. Dick had been thrust into the kitchen from the force of the hit that he took right in the chest. It had burnt through his suit and his chest looked burnt to a crisp. She gasped upon seeing what she'd done and went to help but her team stepped in. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now