Call me Dick

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Royal AU baby

So Dick is 10 and Wally is 12


It wasn't often that Dick was allowed outside the safety of the castle. He'd always looked out at the town just within reach with such curiosity but it had been much too dangerous. He was an heir to the throne and his first year as that would be the most dangerous with those in line to the throne wanting to bump up on the waitlist. Luckily, after begging and begging, he'd been allowed to go as long as he had a trusted knight with him. He chose Sir Kent much to his King's disapproval. The pair had never really got on but everyone in the village loved him so Bruce was forced to give him the knighthood to please them. Dick liked him though. He liked pretty much everyone so that wasn't a surprise. "Only a few hours in town then I want you back," Bruce told him. He wore that smile only Dick would see as he gave him a bag of gold coins. "Treat yourself to something since you've been doing well in your lessons." 

"Thank you sire," he replied with a grin. There was one tooth missing, accidentally knocked out when he was playing with the knights, which only added to the innocence of him. He was so pure, Bruce mused. "Sir Kent, I trust you'll keep him safe unless you want to be stripped of your title."

"Yes, sire. He will return no different to when he left," he answered. The king hummed and gave his ward a kiss on the forehead.

"Be good." The boy nodded before bowing and leaving with his knight bodyguard. He couldn't wait to meet the townsfolk.

The town was lively and exactly what Dick had missed about travelling around the kingdoms in the circus. He enjoyed all the people rushing around and getting on with their days, all of them having interesting stories in some way or another. "Keep a hold of my hand sire," Sir Kent instructed. "You're much too small for me to find in a crowd."

"I'm supposed to be small!" Dick retorted at the taunt. The older smiled and led him to the market where he could put his gold coins to use. There were many different stalls but none of them took his fancy. He didn't see the point in buying food because the cooks had all of that prepared for him. He didn't see the point in buying furs nor rugs because Bruce had plenty. He wanted something personal. Something that wasn't needed but would still hold some value. "What do you think Bruce- I mean king Bruce - would like?" Dick asked, correcting himself quickly. He was still getting the hang of royal lingo. Clark laughed to himself at the small blunder as they continued to walk past the stalls. All of them had sellers yelling their prices and deals but none of them were all that appealing. They were selling essentials and, well, Bruce didn't need those things. It was odd really. All Dick had known was poverty. Although the circus travelled, they were extremely tight with their money. It got to a point where there'd be nights where he wouldn't eat. Those nights usually came in the winter and his parents would apologize all the time for it but for some reason it didn't matter that much. He had them and that was enough. It had always been enough. "I don't know sire. He's rather hard to buy for isn't he?"

"Indeed. Maybe we should come back later? Then I would've had some time to think about it," he suggested.

"That's very smart of you. How about we go to the farm so you can look at the animals? I'm sure you're used to more exotic creatures but we only have the livestock needed to keep the town running," Clark proposed. The acrobat nodded with a bright smile. He always loved animals. Sure these animals would be nowhere as interesting as the many animals that he'd worked with from different lands but they'd be fun to meet nonetheless. "Perhaps you can purchase a pig for a feast?"

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