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_GetTraughtOrGetDead wanted me to do something with Tiger and I tried my best with my limited knowledge


It was pitch black and the air was thick with dust. Tiger couldn't see a thing beneath the rubble which came as no surprise given it's rubble and he failed to be both irradiated or born on an alien planet. 

Of course, something like this would happen on the mission where he was stuck with the chatterbox that was Dick Grayson. The building had collapsed on them just as they were about to finish up too. They were so close to going their separate ways but now they had to wait for Spiral to find them. Wonderful. Potential hours with an idiot who only knew to shut his mouth when it was life or death. Even then, he struggled to understand when that was. 

"Welp, we're in a predicament aren't we?" Dick commented. "You know, this isn't even the first time I've been buried alive."

"Don't start," Tiger snapped. The other chuckled at him. There was some shuffling then a sharp hiss but he couldn't be sure if it was from a burst pipe, the rubble settling or from another person trapped with them. He couldn't get his bearings but he did know he was rather lucky to sit in a small air pocket with nothing pressing on top of him. He had some space to move and air to breathe. He couldn't ask for more than that.

"How long till Spiral comes?" 

"Anywhere from 1 to 4 hours. I only just sent out the distress signal." He heard more whines like someone was hurt. Intrigue took over and he rooted through some supplies, feeling for anything that could light up the room. He didn't find anything. His curiosity would have to remain peaked until they were dragged out. 

"That's so long," Dick complained. "You wanna play something? Would you rather maybe?" 

"I'd rather save my oxygen."

"Oh yeah that's something we should keep an eye on, isn't it? Silly me," he replied. There was a shake to his voice, one that couldn't be hidden by its jolly tone. Tiger squinted in the direction of the voice, sceptical of him. 

"Injury status?" he asked. There was a long pause. He could almost hear the cogs turning in Dick's head. Despite the incessant noise, the man insisting on being annoying for no reason other than his own entertainment, its absence now was worrisome. If only they had some light in here. 

"It's just a graze," Dick lied. "Let's save oxygen, shall we?"

An hour must've passed when Dick let out a pained groan. Tiger's eyebrows furrowed together. As much as he liked to criticize the other, there was one thing he did have. A high pain tolerance. Whatever injury he'd sustained was much more than a graze and anything bigger than a graze required attention sooner rather than later. 

"Hey, you wanna know something about me? I'm one of the very few people in the world that can perform the quadruple backflip on the trapeze."

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