There are some positives to the lockdown

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Here's nearly 5000 words about depression hehe


All of the Batkids were getting antsy with the lockdown. They were used to high adrenaline situations every night and seeing one another once a week aside from Damian who saw his father and butler every day usually. Casework was running thin and they very soon found out they had nothing to do. Some of them trained more, some of them just accepted their fate and others complained to no end. The one resounding outlook was this: lockdown was a bitch. However, if it wasn't for lockdown, they may not have found out what they had so it wasn't all bad. Still a bitch though. 

Breakfast was loud as usual but it was missing the second voice telling Damian he couldn't strangle Tim at the dinner table. Cass was first to notice the lack of another commanding voice, one that would arguably do better than the first, and looked to where it usually came from. Dick's place at the table had remained empty. She raised an eyebrow at this and she nudged Jason to get his attention. He spared her a glance and she directed his eyes to the empty seat with a questioning look. Jason's room was one of the closest to Dick's, Damian's being the other closest but he was rather wrapped up right now, so he would know if the absence was purposeful or not. "I didn't hear him get up," he told her. She frowned to herself and got up from the table. It would save Alfred the job and he was rather preoccupied with the ravenous siblings. She walked upstairs and knocked on the acrobat's door. Inside she could hear the faint sound of the TV so she assumed that was the reason she didn't get a call to come in. She covered her eyes just in case he was in a compromising position and went in. "Breakfast?" she asked.

"Not going," Dick mumbled. 


"No. I'll get something later," he replied. She wasn't particularly happy with that answer but this was Dick. He was twenty-five so if he wanted to do something then he could. If he decided he couldn't deal with how loud breakfast was today, she wasn't going to force him down. "Okay. Tell Alfred," Cass informed him. The butler would only worry if he didn't know why one of his "grandkids" was absent from the table. 

"I will."

Lunchtime rolled around and Alfred decided to make Dick more food since he'd skipped out on breakfast. Around this time, he would be training alongside Damian and Steph but the butler was surprised to see he wasn't there. "Where's Master Dick?" he asked, handing the younger pair their lunches. 

"He never came down," Steph told him. "We just thought he was with someone else?" Alfred hummed and decided to give everyone else their lunches before going on the hunt for the eldest sibling. He checked everywhere, the garden, the library, the dining room, and even the attic. He then went to Dick's bedroom. It was the last place simply because Dick avoided spending a lot of time in there during the day. He explained it helped him sleep better by associating his bedroom purely with sleep rather than any work. So when he found Dick still in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling whilst the TV played its fifth rerun of Judge Judy. "Master Dick? Are you feeling okay?" 

"I'm just tired," he answered. His voice was croaky as though he'd been crying for a while. Alfred walked to the side of the bed and left his lunch on the bedside table. When he got closer, he could see the tear stains on the acrobat's face. He couldn't force anything out of the young man but he had to do something. He couldn't just leave the room without pushing a little further. "Are you sure? You look more than just tired."

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