Age regression

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Like they said when they pitched this idea to me - this is not a kink

Daddy Dom and Little Girl is a kink whereas Age Regression is a coping mechanism used by people who find comfort in engaging with child-oriented interests such as having stuffed animals and the such to deal with stress or childhood trauma 

I have done some research before writing this fanfic because I believe this is something that needs to be made very clear - age regression is not a kink and those who feel like age regression is a good coping mechanism for themself shouldn't be shamed for it 

If you feel as though anything in this fic was handled poorly or wasn't handled in a way that you believe was appropriate, please do call me out on it so that it can be changed - I am not an expert and despite the research done I could still get things wrong

If you feel uncomfortable with reading a story where Dick is acting like a child by himself and with Wally then you can come back next week where I'll have something else for ya

Now that's done, let's go

If anyone had childhood trauma, it was Dick Grayson. He spent his life from nine onwards fighting crime and nearly dying every other weekend. He had to grow up fast to survive and he missed out on everything other kids got to do. Even the little things like being read bedtime stories and sleeping in. As he got older, he found himself finding comfort in things that were meant for kids. Stuffed animals, pacifiers, baby blankets and drinking from baby bottles to name a few. He found that acting like a child - he usually hovered around five or six years old but sometimes he'd go as low as three years old- made him feel safe and he always felt better after. Sometimes he found himself acting childish without even realising and was only barely able to keep a lid on it for it to come off as him being overly giggly rather than regressing. Despite it being a massive source of comfort and sometimes being uncontrollable, he never told anyone about what he did in his private time. A grown man pretending to be a child in his spare time? There goes any respect he had. It was probably one of his biggest secrets with even Wally being in the dark about it. Well, that was until one day when the ginger came home early without prior notice.

Dick was laying on his belly colouring in his book with crayons and chewing on his pacifier. He really needed this time to de-stress. Everything had been so much lately and he hated to think it but he was so glad Wally would be gone for the whole day. He loved his boyfriend of course but his age regression was a secret so he could never fully relax and go into that space whilst the speedster was around. He kicked his legs a little and rested his head on the stuffed animal he'd bought for himself not that long ago. In the background, Ben 10 was playing but he wasn't paying much attention to it. He just liked the background noise. The colouring had him completely engrossed. He colouring a lobster blue because he was a rebel and there no one was going to stop him. Everything finally felt calm and hours passed without him even noticing. There was an alarm on his phone that would go off thirty minutes before his boyfriend came home so he could have time to shove all of this stuff back into the box under their bed. He was debating on getting up to have some snacks when he became vaguely aware of someone in the doorway. Thinking nothing of it, he glanced up and froze. He locked eyes with Wally's extremely confused emerald ones. Neither said anything. Neither made a move. Dick felt prickles of tears in his eyes and embarrassment burning his face. He'd been found out. Oh no, he was found out. Wally wouldn't love him anymore. Wally wouldn't want to be with him. He sniffled a little before completely breaking out in tears. He buried his face in his stuffed animal and hoped it would muffle his sobs. He was so embarrassed - even more so now. "Dickie, what's wrong?" Wally's concerned voice called. The ginger was by his side in moments and carefully ran his fingers through the acrobat's hair, attempting to calm him down. 

"Y-you wer-weren't sus-supposed t-t-to know!" Dick hiccuped, keeping his face buried away. "Y-you gon-gonna bre-ak up wi-with me!"

"I don't want to break up with you babe, I was just surprised. I kinda expected something like this from you. Yea not to this extent but I get it," he assured him but it did nothing to silence the cries. "Can you look up for me sweetheart?" Dick shook his head and crumpled in on himself further. "Please? I'll give you cuddles if you do?" The acrobat cautiously lifted his head up, his bottom lip quivering and his face still bright red. "There we go. Come here."

As soon as he opened his arms, Dick had filled the spot and was holding him tightly. "You didn't need to hide this from me. I won't lie and say I understand everything about this situation but I certainly won't break up with you over it," he insisted, resuming to running his fingers through the smaller's hair. He wore a reassuring smile the entire time, knowing the other needed to see it. 

"'M sorry for crying." 

"Don't be sorry. You were freaked out and you got scared. It's okay to cry," Wally told him. 

"Can...can we talk about this when I feel...feel old?" he asked, unsure of himself. 

"I'd like that. You know what I'd like more though?"


"To see you smiling again," he said, booping him on the nose. Dick giggled as he recoiled and an excited smile spread across his features. "There's my Dickie. You want me to stay here or do you wanna be on your own?"

"You can stay. I was gonna make a snack but you can help!" Wally noticed the dips and rises that matched up with someone who was much younger than his boyfriend but didn't comment on it. It didn't feel right to. Instead, he nodded and got up, helping Dick up too, before holding his hand. "Sounds good sweetheart." If Dick needed him to be the adult right now, then he'd be the adult. 

A few hours later, Dick felt more like himself and was tasked with the conversation he needed to have. He probably should've had it years ago before they were even dating but it always felt so risky. They had such a good relationship and he didn't want to ruin it all by revealing his secret. "So," he began as he put his things away. Wally insisted on helping him and was actually surprised at seeing the box under their bed was for age regression stuff and not some sort of secret weapon. Maybe they should get a cool stash box. 

"So?" the ginger replied.

"The uhm age regression stuff. I guess I should start as to why I do it?" he said, gaining a nod. "Well, I first started regressing when I lived on my own. It just felt right and sometimes I couldn't control it. I think it's because I didn't really get to be a kid so now I do it? It feels nice. Comforting."

"I'm happy you have a coping mechanism that's healthy for once," Wally joked though there was some genuine joy in his tone. He was much more accepting than the acrobat thought. He seemed intrigued by learning about it and willing to help which was all he could really ask for. It felt good to share this with someone. 

"I wanted to tell you because sometimes I'm so far into it I forget that I'm not a kid and I've accidentally gotten hurt but I didn't want to lose you. It's kinda weird and a lot of people think it's a kink."

"Gross. Well, I don't think it's a kink. I think all this makes sense for you really and I'm happy I know now so I can help. I'm just not really sure what I can do?" he replied.

"If you're okay with it, you could be my caregiver? Y'know make sure I'm safe, set some ground rules, make sure I eat and all that stuff?" Dick offered. 

"I'm down for that." They continued to clean when the acrobat suddenly pulled his boyfriend into a hug. "Dickie?"

"Thank you, Wally. I appreciate it so much." He pressed their lips together with a smile. "Like a lot."

"It's no problem babe. I want you to be happy."

"Then you'll be glad to hear I'm very happy."

"I know how to make you happier," Wally said with a suggestive smirk.

"Not when I need to walk properly tomorrow."

"I was talking about getting pizza Mr Sex On The Brain," he replied, feigning innocence.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now