Truth serum

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hurt/no comfort time with this one bby

When someone comes up to you and tells you that they've been hit with a truth serum, the usual reaction is to check that they're not just joking with you. Why not, right? If they're lying, you'd probably guess by the answer or their body language as they gave it, and if they weren't, you'd finally know how they feel for real. So when Dick went into the cave with a huff because he'd been hit with a truth serum and couldn't be trusted to be on his own for fear of leaking sensitive information, Jason (who'd been at the Batcave to pick up a newly fixed helmet) asked him the first thing that popped into his head. Okay, maybe it hadn't been the first thing but he'd been thinking on it for a while because Dick was a master at covering his true feelings. He had to be to reign in that classic "I wasn't taught how to manage my emotions in a healthy way" anger that he'd only let slip a few times over the years. Mainly with killing Joker but nobody brought that up. In front of Jason now was a blank slate and he decided to finally have a question answered that he knew Dick would lie about had he not been doused with truth serum.

"What do you think about Bruce? Good guy? Bad guy?" Bruce glared at him for taking advantage as did his brother but that didn't stop the words from falling out of his mouth.

"It's complicated, he's not necessarily a bad guy but I wouldn't say he's a great guy either," Dick replied before slapping his hand across his mouth. His mentor looked at him as though confused but he really shouldn't be. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't the world's best person even for all the good he did as Batman but not many heroes had no skeletons hiding in their closets. "I mean you annoy me so much. Sometimes I think about killing you. I think about how I'd do it because I know I could kill you since you taught me to for those stupid plans of yours." The acrobat tried again to shut his mouth forcefully but his other hand stopped those efforts. Whoever made this truth serum knew how to make it strong that was for sure and he was going to beat their asses again when they got out of the hospital. "Sometimes it's all I can think about because I get so mad with how you treat people, your family. Then I remember I can't kill you but not because I couldn't but because I shouldn't. It probably makes me a horrible person but you make me so mad I stare at you and think about killing you a thousand times over." He winced at the words, whilst Jason was enthralled with it all and silently wished he'd gotten popcorn ready for the roasting of a century. It felt almost validating to have someone think the same way even if they didn't preach about it as much as himself. "I want to tell you all the time so you won't see Jason in such a bad light because I think everyone you've been around has had that thought maybe not as much or even more but they've all thought it. You have more enemies than you may consider and the only thing keeping them from becoming that is their own-" he slammed his mouth shut, biting through his tongue but even that wasn't enough. He just successfully filled his mouth with the coppery taste of blood. "-personal beliefs and what you do not who you are." 

Dick went rigid as though anticipating a punch, but Bruce could only stare at him with what could be perceived as a shock if you studied his expression for long enough. He understood why he was speechless. It wasn't great that your kid was telling you that they wanted you dead sometimes and you knew it was the truth because they were forced to say so. The attempts to stop himself from going to the lengths it had were sobering enough. Dick quickly tried to shift focus onto his brother in hopes they could concentrate on him taking advantage and not what he'd said. Maybe then he could avoid the fallout and they could pretend it never happened like most things in their past.

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now