We can't fix it but we can help

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Idk why I like doing emotionally supportive teen titans helping Robin but it makes me happy and i need that in my life


Raven never understood how Robin knew so well what it was like to be in her mind on her bad days. He almost had a sixth sense for it so when she woke up, he'd already distracted Beast Boy with a task that would take up the majority of the morning so he didn't overwhelm her with how boisterous he could be. He'd also head most of the conversations so Raven didn't have to interact very much and didn't say anything when she needed to suddenly leave to recollect herself. Most of the time, he'd leave her to her own devices but almost every time she wished she wasn't on her own yet didn't have the energy to go out and find people to surround herself with, he'd be there at his door with a hot drink and ask if she wanted to hang out. Their version of hanging out usually meant he was researching and collecting info whilst she read or meditated not far from him. It was low energy but quenched her need to be with people. She never questioned how he knew what she needed, how he knew when she didn't want to be around people or when she said she didn't want to be when she really did, why he even did this for her in the first place. It never occurred to her to do much more than acknowledge his actions, throwing him a soft "thanks" every now and then. He didn't ask for anything in return, only giving a nod when he received that small piece of appreciation but she noticed his slight surprise upon hearing it. Thinking about the way Gotham was, she presumed his knowledge came from a mix of victim management Batman taught him and perhaps having some classmates who dealt with the same problems she did only without the demonic capabilities. Eventually, she'd get her answer as to why he could understand and know her so well. She didn't like it one bit.

That morning, Raven had woken up to a nice state of calm. It was happening more often now that she was more comfortable with the arrangements made living with the team and she was pleased to find she'd been graced with it for another morning. She got up and went through her regular routine before dawning her cloak and heading to the kitchen. There she found her fellow teammates, bar Robin who was missing from the heroes rubbing the sleep out of their eyes. She hardly noticed it at first given that it wasn't usual for him to be intermittent at breakfasts thanks to his strict training protocol. It depended on whether today was a high-intensity day in the gym but there was no set schedule for that. So she made her way to make a bowl of cereal amongst the others who were going about their own mismatched meals. "Did you see Rob in the hallway?" Cyborg asked passingly. She shook her head and put on the coffee machine for when the teen eventually reared his head. He hummed to himself but didn't expand upon his question so she let it go. 

"I did not hear him wake up this morning," Starfire commented, hearing his question. 

"You hear him get up?" Beast Boy asked.

"I hear his door open and close," she explained. "I did not hear it this morning."

"Maybe he's sleeping in," the younger offered. 

"Or he's hiding an injury again," Cyborg huffed. "Lemme check the footage from last night." He went quiet for a moment as he used his connection to the computer to fast forward through the security cameras only to let out a disconcerted hum. The others looked to him and waited patiently for his explanation but they started to get nervous when he took longer than expected. "That's weird."

"What is?"

"He didn't go out last night." Raven's calm feeling immediately dissipated and she mentally recited her chant to calm herself down. He never missed patrol without good reason. She thought back to last night and went over her memories to try and pick out something but she wasn't concentrating on his behaviour so she came up blank. Last night felt so normal that the details had already been thrown out after sleeping. Looking around, she saw her friends were similarly uncomfortable with the revelation. "He went to his room before us." That only made matters worse because he didn't go to bed early willingly. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now