Bruce never learns

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idkwichname wanted some Roy and Dick content so here we gooo

"It's the same story, Roy. Only, I'm not following the ending."

"You never learn Bruce," Dick muttered to himself. He was currently wandering around in Star City with a backpack of essentials and no plan whatsoever. The only reason he'd ended up in the city was that it was the last stop for the bus he was taking. He wasn't sure how long he'd been out or when exactly he left the Manor but he knew he wasn't going back for now. He could've taken the Zetatubes but then he'd have to be in Robin uniform for that lest he out himself to the Team or to other heroes he didn't know. That was the last thing he needed as of now. It also felt wrong to use the Robin out for a Dick Grayson issue. He and Batman were just fine but Dick and Bruce were far from it. The billionaire had been ignoring him again. Completely blanking him out if he wasn't in the suit. It made his stomach twist with that horrible feeling of "not enough" and he couldn't stand it anymore. He just wanted to have some civilian time but his offers were shut down halfway through delivering them. Basketball? Food market? Fair? Shopping? All of them shut down. He'd been so desperate that he would've taken a game of chess to spend time with his mentor outside of work but knowing Bruce he'd turn it into work. He couldn't even give Bruce the benefit of the doubt. Ever since his first year as Robin was up, Bruce seemed to give up on trying to make his civilian life as normal as possible. Sure he sent him to school and signed him up for clubs but that was about it. At least with The Team Robin found some semblance of work-life balance but he should've had that with his guardian, not friends he didn't know half as well. Every time Bruce ignored him for too long, he'd act out and then Bruce would find him and then promise to change. He would change but only for a week then everything would go back to "normal" or something like that. So he was starting the cycle again, running away to get the attention he craved. Only this time, he didn't have a plan. He always had a plan to make sure he'd get the reaction he wanted, but he didn't have one right now. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to go back.  

Eventually, he took a break from his endless march and sat on a bench in a local park. It wasn't late yet and there were families still about. They let their children run around to burn off some of that last wind before heading back home and praying that they'd got all their sillies out so they could sleep. He knew the plan well. His parents would do the same as did Bruce. Only now, there was a bitter taste to the memories. He let out a sigh and put his head in his hands. "What am I gonna do?" he muttered to himself, not particularly caring what passers-by thought of him talking to himself. "Can't go home. Well, don't wanna go home." There was a big difference there. He wasn't kicked out, he decided to leave with his things. That was on him. Even if he felt like he'd been forced out. He leaned back and looked at the sky with a sigh. "Not going to Wally. Not Barry. Not Clark. Not Ollie." He ran through the rest of the names in his head. Each one would try to talk him out of being spiteful and take him right back home with no repercussions to Bruce who was the whole reason he didn't want to be there. He needed someone who would understand that he doesn't want to play happy families right now and that someone preferably needed to be close to him because he wasn't in the mood for another bus journey. Then a name popped up. "Roy," he concluded. He still lived somewhere in Star City and although Robin didn't know the address, he knew the way there. Maybe he could crash there for a little bit until he thought through his options more. He wasn't sure how far he wanted to run from his problems but a pit stop wouldn't hurt. Dick nodded to himself and got up, setting off in the direction of the ex-sidekick's apartment.

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