Seventh day of Christmas

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Alfred_Is_A_Badass wanted damijon and i'm not the best with writing Jon so apologies if i do him dirty

My timelines may be off but when has that ever stopped us before?

Damian was pushing himself to his limits and beyond. Everyone could see it. How could they not when it was so obvious? Despite his habit of always looking put together, his appearance lately was unkempt at best. His hair always looking dishevelled in some way and the bags under his eyes growing day by day. He always looked exhausted but never gave a real reason why. They knew he was spending time in the gym more often than not and his training had gotten a lot more intense without anyone giving the order for the change. No one knew why he was working so hard when he supposedly thought he was already the best to ever exist. He always had such confidence in himself but now it seemed like he was trying to prove how far he could go without breaking. Of course, if you're always trying to show how far you can go then one day you're going to shatter and Jon, more than anyone, wasn't up for picking up the pieces. This Saturday they were going to train together then have a sleepover and Jon had a plan to make it worthwhile. He was going to get to the bottom of what was causing this unusual behaviour and he was going to solve it. Sure Damian was a pain in his ass but he couldn't help but care for the guy. He was just messed up. Overconfident in some areas and somehow insecure in the ones that mattered. Besides, no one deserved to suffer alone no matter how aggravating they were to work with.

The super knocked on the Wayne Manor door with his overnight bag in hand and his mind focused on his mission. The door opened and he was greeted by none other than Dick Grayson. He quirked an eyebrow at the older since he hadn't expected him. Dick was very different to Alfred who had always answered the door before now. The acrobat noticed his confusion and cackled to himself. "Alfie is off duty today so you'll be dealing with me I'm afraid. Come on in," he greeted brightly. Jon smiled to himself at how chipper he was and walked inside. "Dami went out to walk Titus but he should be back soon so you won't have to deal with me for too long."

"Should I put my bag upstairs?" He shook his head. 

"Leave it for now. I could do with talking to you about something first," he replied. Jon tensed up a little. He didn't know what it was but whenever someone said they needed to talk about something it usually meant some kind of trouble. Dick seemed to sense this and shot him a kind smile. "It's about Damian. He's not himself and granted he's always been a little off, I've never known him so driven for a lack of a better word. He won't tell me anything about it. Don't blame him really but do you think you could handle it? Figure out what's going on?"

"I can try but isn't it a little weird to go behind his back like that? I don't know if I'm comfortable just telling everyone about his personal business," Jon replied. 

"I only ask that you tell me if he's in danger. I trust you can help him with anything that isn't going to cause him serious harm. If it does then an adult needs to step in who will be me because God knows nobody else has the emotional capacity to deal with anything of that matter," he clarified. The younger thought for a few moments. This wouldn't deviate from the plan he already had and from what he remembered, Damian liked his eldest brother. Well, he never explicitly said that but he didn't seem to complain about him as much as he did about everyone else. He supposed that if this was something really serious then other people would have to know. If Damian was a danger to himself then the only people who could stop it were those he lived with combined with Jon and Jon couldn't be there every single day. They didn't even live in the same city. He nodded his head to himself. 

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