You're a good brother

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Jon huffed as he knocked on the door to Wayne Manor. He'd come all the way to Gotham only to be stood up by Damian. They'd hardly spent any time together and he missed his friend as annoying and oblivious as the other was. He guessed being Batman was the cause of this but it was no excuse. As the hero glared daggers at his feet, the door opened. He looked up but found no one there. Was this place haunted? "Jon?" a young voice asked. He looked a little further down and found Damian's little brother, Dick, staring up at him. They hadn't spoken much since the younger was usually off causing trouble somewhere or other but they got on fairly well which was why he found it rather odd he hadn't gotten a bright smile as a greeting. Everybody got smiles as a greeting aside from the villains. Actually, that wasn't strictly true. Catwoman got a smile and so did Harley but that was it. 

"Hey Lil Bird, where's your big bro?" he asked.


"Oh. Can I come in and speak with him?" Dick nodded and opened the door further before walking off without another word. Jon had never known him to be so disinterested and he couldn't help but be offended. He probably would've asked if there was something wrong had he not been preoccupied with why Damian had decided to ditch their plans without prior notice. He walked inside and closed the door behind him, locking it to be safe. This family had a lot of enemies and an unlocked door was basically asking for something to happen. He strolled through the halls of the Manor, looking into the rooms for any sign of his friend. He noticed that Dick had walked back to the living room and he could hear the vague sound of the TV. It was playing the news. It was promptly turned over. He listened out for Damian and soon came across him in the library. 

The smaller was hunched over his desk, a mountain of paperwork on either side of him. He held his head up with one hand as he scribbled something down with the other. Most likely a signature considering how fluently he did it. He had a frown on his face and his coffee cup wasn't steaming so it wasn't hot, lukewarm at best. He must've been there a while. He looked tired. Jon coughed to announce his presence since he was still peeved with the guy and couldn't decide how he wanted to go about this just yet. "Grayson, I already told you you're not allowed on patrol tonight or Pennyworth will kill me."

"Then Alfred and I might share a pass time." Damian's head snapped up with a confused expression. He blinked a few times, the cogs of his brain working overtime to figure out this puzzle. "We were supposed to meet tonight," Jon informed him. He could almost smell the burning of the other's brain cells. He walked over to him and looked at the papers. Wayne Industries. "I thought Tim was taking care of these?"

"He was. Got hurt last week. I covered," he explained. 

"Jeez. Is that what's up with Dick?" Damian sighed and shook his head. He put down his pen and drank some of his definitely cold coffee. The super took his cup from him and heated it up before handing it back. 

"That was unnecessary."

"You hate cold coffee so shut it," he snapped. A grumble was his response but he just ignored it as per usual. "You should take a break. C'mon the night is still young!"

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