You'll never be happy with me

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Priscilla_Mack we are sharing brain cells


"I never asked for it to be this way!" Dick yelled. His small hands travelled up to his hair and pulled harshly at his black curly locks. The pain was an attempt to ground himself. It didn't work. "I never asked for Bruce to die! I never asked for you to be here!" He whimpered and cried, choking on the breath that felt miles away from him. He hated this. He hated everything. Why did everything go so far? He squeezed his eyes closed hoping it would somehow block out the world. His hearing was already fading as everyone's voices faded. The music was gone. The chatter disappeared though it was distant, to begin with. He couldn't hear the wind that carried the conversations. The leaves rustling were nothing to him now. Dick felt claustrophobic despite being outside in a massive garden. He should be happy. He should be running around like he used to, exploring everything then running back just in time before someone found his absence suspicious. He'd go to galas purely to explore the outsides. Every time he'd evade security guards and others who came out for air. It was amazing. Now he was stood there, knees shaking and face drenched with tears because he heard one too many critics from his older "brother." He wasn't his brother. Dick wasn't family to him but Damian was family to Dick. He'd tried everything to make it mutual, he really had. First, he tried to be close then he tried to be distant but neither got him to a mutual point. "I-I can't d-do this!" he cried, his breath hitching. He wasn't getting enough air. Nothing felt right. He felt weak. He couldn't feel the pain from the hair being ripped from his scalp anymore. Everything felt numb. Unreal.

Then something happened. He hadn't expected it but he was glad it happened. 

Dick suddenly felt something tight around each of his wrists but it wasn't painfully tight. Tight enough to feel real. The tightness slowly uncurled his fingers and made him let go of his hair. It brought his hands away and wrapped them in something warm. It felt nice. Dick pried his eyes open but everything was blurry either from tears or something more sinister. He whined, hoping there would be some help if he did. The warmness around his hands was taken away and now it was around him. The tightness was back but it was now wrapped around him. Like arms would. Like arms when he got a hug. "-fabric-" A word! Something he could hear other than the blood pumping in his ears. Fabric. He thought back to it being a hug. The fabric would be in front of him, right? He concentrated on his hands and reached out. He made contact instantly with something firm. He gripped onto the thing and furrowed his eyebrows. Fabric. Stiff. Like his waistcoat. Right, that was a start. What was his waistcoat made out of? Tweed? Something like that. This felt softer though. It was a well-made tweed. 

"T-Tweed." There's movement, and a rumble that sounds like someone is talking to him lowly but he can't make out the words. He just held onto whatever this thing was. It was comforting. He needed it. The tightness shifted and he felt something begin to pet his hair. It felt nice. He leaned into the touch. He hadn't hugged someone since the funeral. Damian had kept him from the League but for good reason. They were too busy nowadays. He'd just be lost in the sauce. Heh. Lost in the sauce. 

"-eep breath-" Eep? Part of that was missing. The voice sounded commanding so it had been an order. Eep breath. Hm. Oh! Deep. It said deep. Dick sucked in a breath of air. It felt good to feel his lungs fill finally. He did it again. Faster. No. He had to go slower otherwise it didn't feel good. He kept doing it and with each breath, more of his senses came back. "Well done Grayson." Dick choked on his breath. Only Damian called him that. Praise? From Damian? Was all of this thing Damian? No, it couldn't be. "Can you look at me?" The younger gulped and opened his eyes, blinking away a few tears. He forced himself to look up and meet the older's gaze. There was such softness on his face that it almost didn't look like Damian. Yet he knew it was. 

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