Leave me be pt 2

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remember this old thing? i didn't until Alfred_Is_A_Badass asked for a part 2 a while ago so we're doing it

TW: There's gonna be some offensive language here




Here's a reminder for those who don't remember the story

For the tenth time that month, Dick snuck into Wayne Manor. He'd just been out but not on patrol as his brother, Damian, had been well aware of. That's why he had been sitting in the dark waiting for him. He needed to talk about what Dick was doing to the Wayne name when he went on his "ragers." When he entered Damian turned on the light by the armchair, successfully scaring the ever-loving shit out of him. "Jeez Dami, you scared me. Why were you sitting in the dark?" he asked.

"Dramatic effect. This is the tenth time this month you've come home so late," Damian stated. His expression was hard and his eyes had that glare Dick remembered Bruce had. He almost laughed at the thought that glare could be hereditary. Damian motioned for him to sit down next to him and Dick sat down as a guilty child. It was uncomfortable to be the oldest yet feel the youngest. He was going to get told off, he knew it, and not by a League member. He wished it was a League member. Dick shifted under the harsh glare that was set upon him. "Did you want to talk to me about something?" he asked, faking a comfortable position.

"Your nights out are becoming more frequent," Damian stated. Dick nodded. Please don't let this go the way he thinks it's going. "More frequent means more journalists using it against you and by you, I mean our family. It's disgraceful."

Dick grimaced and tried to push down the outburst of anger he felt he needed. "It's not disgraceful, I'm just having fun. Am I not allowed to? It's not like I'm drinking either," he reasoned. 

"Then you go to have sexual intercourse with strangers?" Damian asked. A dark shade of blush covered Dick's face in moments. The little perceptive shit. They both knew the answer. He wished Damian didn't. "I'm a grown adult Damian!"

"A grown adult that still blushes like a thirteen-year-old in sex education," he countered.

"I learned about it when I was eleven actually," Dick corrected rather childishly. There was a roll of eyes from Damian and he sighed.

 "Grayson you have a family name to uphold. It is your duty to treat it with respect. Right now you may as well be dragging the name through a swamp." Again Dick grimaced. Was he that bad? He was just having fun. 

"Bruce was a playboy, why can't I be?" Damian's hands tensed as he gripped onto the seat. 

"He played a part he wasn't going out being a whore," he snapped.

"Language! I am not a whore Damian!" Dick snapped back. "Quite frankly I'm angry you would assume that about me."

"I'm not assuming I'm going off of fact. You're a slut and you know it. You're ruining my family name."

"Oh so now it's your family? Am I not a part of that family? Just because Bruce didn't adopt me doesn't mean-"

"Bruce didn't adopt you?" Damian interrupted.

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