Inter-dimensional relationship advice

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EDIT: IT WAS outsidersandBTS4life SORRY


Dick had been working for way too long. He knew very well that he'd been working for too long but he couldn't stop. When he thought he had his last piece of work done, there was a pile waiting for him. This, combined with his lack of knowing his limits, - thanks Batman - meant he just never stopped. He working himself into the ground and that was something his wonderful boyfriend couldn't allow. "Dick, I get you have issues with self-restraint when it comes to working but you must be exhausted at this point," Wally insisted as he watched the teen attempt to get through his next lot of work. He'd been glued to his phone screen the entire time, from the Zetatubes to meet up with Wally, to bringing him to the Manor, to where they were now in his bedroom. "I'll be done in five minutes," Dick responded dismissively. 

"You said that an hour ago! What's the point of me looking this irresistible if you're not even looking at me?" the ginger complained. He draped his arms over the smaller's shoulders and glanced over the writing. Most of it was muddled up with red lines underneath every other word. He wasn't getting much done so there was no point working this hard. "Walls, I need to get this done."

"No, what you need is a break. C'mon, if Bruce says anything I'll cover for you. He can't expect you to work for this long when this is our designated teenager time."

"Teenager time is on Saturdays, today is Thursday."

"Babe, look at the calendar real quick," Wally told him. The younger glanced. It was Saturday. Oh. 

"Perhaps you're right but I won't be able to stop thinking about it," he replied. 

"How about we visit Spider-dude? We'll be in a new place, I'll be able to make up for being a jealous boyfriend and you'll be able to give your brain a rest because God knows you won't nap." Dick hadn't thought about Peter in a long time. He guessed it would be really fun to see him again. A lot had probably changed between their last visit and now. "Good idea."

It was a pretty regular summer's day. Peter was spending some time with Tony before he went to meet up with MJ. It was supposed to be him, MJ, and Ned but the latter had been snatched away by his parent for a weekend getaway. So it'd just be him and MJ. It was only his crush that he could barely talk to without stuttering and tripping over every word. "She's just a girl," Tony reminded him for the sixteenth time. He could hear his brain whirring and it was annoying him. What was the point of spending time together if Peter was just going to think about girls? Then again, he was a teenager, of course, he was going to think about girls all the time. "She's not just a girl Mr Stark! She's an awesome badass girl who I'm going to embarrass myself in front of." 

"You will if you think too much about it. Just be your usual dorky self," the billionaire responded. 

"It's not that easy," Peter pouted. As his mentor went to tell him it simply was that easy, alarms blared throughout the lab. Peter slammed his hands over his ears at how loud and shrill it was before asking, "What's going on?" 


"Unscheduled teleportation in the living room. Files say it is the boy the turned up a few months ago." The spiderling jumped up with a grin.

"That's Dick! He's safe, don't worry," he assured the AI. He rushed to the living room to meet up with his friend, already planning on how this surprise visit could work in his favour. If he wasn't alone with MJ, then he wouldn't make a fool of himself. Maybe Dick could even hype him up since he seemed rather confident in his relationship if memory served right. He wondered if he could get a few pointers too. The alarm died down once he said it was okay which saved him of a headache. "Dick!" he exclaimed excitedly as he ran into the room. The younger immediately grinned at the sight of him and opened his arms for a hug which he was swiftly swooped into. "Grip is a little strong there, buddy," Dick wheezed. The brunette dropped him immediately with a sheepish smile. 

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