Family therapy delights

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CherryBerry952 suggested I do more about and I take it as me being able to vent through various characters

I am limiting the characters here not to be that comic fan but because if I have to write a list of names and all their issues this will be 10,000 words too many so we're gonna go for the core four that grew up with Bruce - Dick, Damian, Jason and Tim


They didn't know what caused it but Alfred told them all to meet in the library at four. Despite how when they met up there was usually a death threat and sometimes a murder attempt, no one could say no to Alfred. That was a death wish in itself. So at four, they all met up and sat waiting for the butler to tell them what was happening. "Does anyone remember killing someone?" Dick asked. It was pretty much the only explanation he could come up with as to why they were all needed. 

"Not recently," Jason answered, with his fellow Robins nodding. When Bruce didn't nod, they narrowed their gaze before he quickly shook his head. "Suspicious."

"I just thought it was obvious I wouldn't kill someone," he defended. 

"Maybe Alfred killed someone?" Tim suggested.

"If he did, he knows how to hide it," Jason pointed out. Although he was old, they didn't doubt that he could still make a body disappear if he wanted to. Eventually, Alfred entered the room with an expression they couldn't quite decipher. He could be pensive or angry or ready to curse them all out but they wouldn't know. 

"I've brought you all here today because you all need help," he announced. They glanced at each other anxiously then returned their gaze to him. "I should've done this years ago, when it was just Master Bruce and Master Dick but when he suggested it to me the other day I remembered there's no expiration date on developing a healthy relationship with each other."

"Oh, Dick!" Jason groaned, his siblings and guardian nodding in agreement.

"It was a passing thought! I didn't mean it, we never do therapy," the acrobat defended. 

"Your pushback only proves that therapy would be beneficial," Alfred stated. "So I took it upon myself to scout out the right therapist that could deal with both your vigilante side and your civilian side. Everything is confidential, she'd been checked for any wires, and she is good to go. You're going to sit in here for an hour and you're going to talk about your feelings. Got that?" Logically they knew that they could get up and leave but this was Alfred. You didn't go against Alfred without good reason and not wanting to talk about their emotions didn't seem good enough to have incorrectly seasoned food for the next month. The butler seemed pleased that none of them was going to do a runner and opened the door for the therapist to come through. She had black hair pinned up in a tight bun and big round glasses. In her hand was a small brown notebook with a pen settled between the pages and she wore a muted outfit. She seemed nice enough but they kept their suspicions. This was Gotham and they already had a crazed therapist running around although they couldn't quite tell how evil she was nowadays. 

"Hello, I'm Dr Thomas. I hope you're ready for this hour."

"I can promise you, we are not," Tim replied.

Alfred left the room and Dr Thomas found a comfortable chair where she opened up her notebook. She then clicked her pen and stared at the group. They stared at her. The room was silent. If their nightmares weren't already incredibly intense, this would definitely be a nightmare worthy situation. "It's interesting that you haven't introduced yourselves," she stated. 

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