I'll miss saving the world with you pt 2

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CW for injury and general descriptions of illness





Saturday morning came all too soon for the acrobat but he still forced himself out of bed with an exhausted yawn. He coughed harshly after that and groaned as it aggravated his likely bruised ribs. He felt boiling but he guessed that he'd just left the heating in his room on for too long last night or maybe it was too far in the year to keep on a thick duvet. Getting sick? Pfft, that wasn't something he could do. He drank water on Wednesday and he was eating Alfred's food so there was no way he could be getting sick. Maybe it was just a warm day in the fall. Global warming was real. His head was swimming though but still, he pushed himself out of bed and heard his joints crack and pop in protest. His body wanted nothing more than to rest and his brain desperately needed to address the growing darkness slowly taking over it but like every morning, he pushed it all away. If he kept the lid closed on those thoughts, maybe this would all be okay. He was already doing so well, right? Everyone was healthy and kept on with their lives. He didn't mind being left behind in that sense. He trudged over to the bathroom and brushed his teeth numbly. His mirror screamed at him to take a good look at himself but he refused. So what if the man in the mirror was a hollow version of himself? It's okay for now. Once his family were okay and didn't need help anymore, he'd deal with himself. 

But when will that be?

He didn't know. They still weren't doing great. Damian was still having trouble sleeping, Tim was more paranoid than usual and don't even get him started on the others. He'd just have to wait it out until their worrying habits subsided.

How much longer?

It didn't matter. Those kids around him still needed time to grow up and he was an adult. His childhood was far in the past. He didn't really have one after his parents died but he'd still had his chance that had long since passed. That thought lingered and he let out a sombre low chuckle. You'd think losing your father again would be easier than the first time but apparently not. He shook his head and continued through his morning routine until he finally went downstairs. 

It was nine in the morning so he'd missed the family breakfast but he didn't mind. Sometimes they got too loud and then he'd have a headache which just made everything worse. The day already felt too long as he dragged himself down the Batcave. He could hear the weights being used and let out a small huff in annoyance. He'd wanted to avoid people for at least an hour more but he supposed that was impossible with how many people lived in the house. He blew out a breath before plastering that soft smile on and strolled into the gym. 

"Mornin," he greeted, not really seeing who was in there. 

"Morning Dick," Steph replied. Damian just gave a grunt of acknowledgement. He went for the weights and got to work, ignoring his body calling him all the curses under the sun for making it work when it felt so bad. He still felt warm too but guessed that someone had put the heating on in the gym since it got freezing in the cave. The last thing any of them needed was mild hypothermia whilst doing squats. "Hey uhm I was thinking," Steph began awkwardly, turning down the speed on the treadmill so her voice wasn't too wobbly. "You've been doing a lot recently and I wanted to say thanks." He paused and looked over at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

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