Swippity swappity get out of that body

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outsidersandBTS4life that I had intended to be in the last book but it took too long to write

Hope you enjoy it!





"You're such a dick!" Robin yelled, throwing whatever was closest at Red Robin.

"No bad words," Nightwing called, not taking his eyes off the computer.

"I didn't say anything!" he defended. He managed to catch the object thrown at him which happened to be a water bottle and scowled at the younger. Their hatred for one another was well known and they made sure everyone knew it. "Stop fighting with your brother," Nightwing added. 

"Dick make them stop!" Red Hood complained. The older glared at him from across the room where he'd situated himself over an hour ago. When he chose that place to sit, he didn't expect to be interrupted by the hurricane that was his brothers but here he was. "If it bothers you so much then stop them yourself, I'm really busy here," he snapped. 

"It's not my job to keep them in line, it's yours," the younger barked back. 

"I am this close to knocking all of you out, just try me," Nightwing warned, showing his fingers. The brothers spared him a glance. 

"Your fingers are touching," Red Robin pointed out.  


"But he started it! If he wasn't such a brat, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Red Robin defended. 

"No way! If you weren't so far up your own ass I wouldn't have anything to fight over!" Robin protested, stomping his foot defiantly. Nightwing groaned frustratedly and slammed his head on the desk. Unfortunately, he didn't do it hard enough to knock himself out. 

As the remaining three brothers who still had some will to live at that point raged on, Black Canary walked into the living room. She wasn't surprised to find them arguing given that most of the Young Justice team were disgruntedly sitting on the floor in the training room to escape the fighting. She glanced over to Nightwing who was now repeatedly hitting his head against the desk in hopes of escaping the sound and huffed. Assuming that he'd already attempted to play peacekeeper, she decided that this issue was getting out of hand. Whenever two or more of them were in the same place there was always an argument. She was getting a headache just remembering all their fights. "Stop it!" she screamed. They all stopped and looked to her, only now acknowledging that she'd entered the room. "Everyone is sick of you lot fighting like cats and dogs."

"How do you think I feel?" Nightwing groaned. 

"Look, you're running your poor brother ragged. Batman has already signed off on counselling for you boys and it's time we cash in on that," she announced. All of them huffed at the mention of counselling but they knew better than to fight with Black Canary. "Report to the counsel room tomorrow at 7 am."

"I have school at 8:30 am," Robin pointed out.

"I'm aware," she responded before swiftly leaving the room.

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