It's Britney bitch

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fandomtrash74 wanted this but I may have gone over the top because I was in a mood


"Don't tell them anything." Came a desperate demand. The voice was fuzzy but Robin recognized it. That was Nightwing. Why would Nightwing demand that? "Come now, your brothers should know what I did." That voice was snarky and smug. Slade. He knew that voice anywhere. That begged the question, why was he hearing it? He tried to retrace his steps but there was a black spot in his memory after hearing a shout to run. Robin remembered running but he mustn't have gotten very far. He could feel tight ropes against his wrists and his arms were fixed in place. It felt like he was in a chair but he couldn't be sure. He opened his eyes but found only black. That would have panicked him had he not felt a material across his eyelids and something resembling a knot digging into the back of his head. "No they don't!" A loud slap sound followed by a satisfied chuckle. 

"I missed doing that to you." There was a grossed out groan. "Trust me, a little slap like that is only the beginning."

"Leave him alone fuckwit." So Red Hood had been captured too. 

"Ah, are all you bat brats awake?" Robin nodded his head, wondering if his brothers did the same. 

There was some silence before the blindfold was taken off. Robin blinked rapidly at the bright lighting before his eyes adjusted. He was right about the chair. He glanced around to get his bearings. Red Robin, Red Hood, and himself were all sitting in a line. In front of them, Nightwing was tied to a pole in an extremely uncomfortable position. There was a red handprint on his face and bruises dotted here and there. Robin wondered how long he'd been alone with Slade. He struggled against his bonds just at the thought of it. As much as Nightwing was the protective big brother, Robin was fiercely protective over him. Maybe even more so. "What's this about?" Red Robin asked. 

"Call it a redo of an old experiment of mine. Only this time, Nightwing will stay in my care."

"Wouldn't call it care," Nightwing commented. Slade fixed him with a glare but he simply returned it. 

"He's got a troublesome will but I've come close to breaking it once. I'm sure I can do it again. Especially since it's family now," the villain continued. He walked to somewhere behind Robin and returned with three needles. They all struggled against their bonds but it was no use. They were injected all the same. "You've been given something along the lines of nanobots that will kill you. Nightwing is familiar with them, aren't you?"

"Stop it," the hero snapped but it came out more like a beg. He was clearly uncomfortable by what was being alluded to and that made this all the more personal. This wasn't some stupid do what I say or I'll kill someone plot. It went far deeper than that. There was a past that none of them knew about. 

"Getting upset, are we? They'll know soon enough about our time together. It was short-lived but I made such progress. I suspect you'll be easier to subdue thanks to the new target. Not to mention you've learned to control that rage that controlled you so many years ago."

"Nightwing, what's he talking about?" Red Robin inquired. 

"It's nothing."

"Why must you belittle my work? I'll tell you what I did to your brother but the details have to be cut for time," Slade pitched in. "I gave his little friends something similar when Nightwing was Robin. The Titans were all he had, weren't they? When I threatened to kill them, the only way to keep them alive would to be my apprentice. I'd trained him so well but his friends had to swoop in and steal him away before he could finish his training."

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