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5 times Dick sleepwalked and 1 time he didn't because I need this CONTENT



Bruce was sat in bed going over a few case files when he glanced over at his alarm clock. 4 am. The red numbers seemed to emphasize the fact it was way too late - or early - to be looking at a murder case. He stifled a yawn as he began shuffling all the evidence and reports together before slipping it into his drawer. He was exhausted and sleep sounded much too tempting to refuse. Having Dick around meant he was spending a lot more time running around after the boy and it felt like the acrobat never got tired by some sort of medical marvel. The kid could shut his eyes for ten minutes and he was ready to go another twenty-four hours without stopping. He was sort of jealous of him but he supposed Dick wasn't spending his nights fighting crime. Not yet anyway. He didn't know why but he had a feeling he'd soon be chasing Dick around Gotham rather than just the Manor. He shrugged to himself, shaking his head of the thought. No, he was much too young to be out there fighting. 

He laid down and began getting comfortable but just as he found the comfiest position, he heard a thump. Anxiety flared upon hearing it but he tried to be rational. A thump this early? Maybe it was Dick going to the bathroom or something. Dick's room was an ensuite a voice nagged. It could just be the house settling. Houses don't thump. He strained his ears, listening for something else. 

There was another thump. Harder than the first one and it was followed by complete silence. Bruce didn't like the silence. He got up and walked to the door before peeking his head out into the hallway. He was met by quite an odd sight. Dick, eyes half-lidded and mouth slightly open, was continuously walking into different walls and only changed direction if his head slammed against the wall. Ah, so that was the cause of the thumping. That was one question answered but it only brought forth more. Why the hell was he walking into walls? 

"Dick, you okay there?" he called. The boy didn't respond and continued his walk which seemed to be dedicated to giving him a concussion. Bruce frowned and chased after him before he seriously hurt himself. "Chum?" He really hoped this wasn't some sort of possession because that was way too much to deal with at this time.  He watched as the boy got to the end of the hallway and lay down. After a few moments, he heard a soft snore and he assumed whatever he'd witnessed was over now. He supposed he should Google it but right now that sounded like way too much effort. He yawned to himself and plucked Dick off the floor. He could already see a bruise forming in the soft light from the sunrise. He tutted to himself, knowing that would be a CPS red flag, and returned the acrobat to his bed. "Seems like you really can't stay still even in your sleep hm?" Bruce asked, smiling fondly as he tucked him in. "Let's hope you didn't crack your skull or something." 

With that, the billionaire trudged to bed and slept for a solid couple of hours before his alarm woke him back up. Great.


"Robin, please go sleep before you pass out. You'll make yourself sick," M'gann begged. Everyone had been noticing the teen's drooping eyelids and him catching himself just as his head fell forward because he was dozing off but she couldn't stand to see him battling sleep for much longer. The hero shook his head furiously only to let loose a yawn. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now