Guess I'm just used to it

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flashbossXD requested this one and was nice enough to work with my boundaries so I hope this was good even though it wasn't your original proposal!!

TW: SEIZURES (idk if this is a trigger but it could be upsetting)

here are some of the places I got the info from and some support websites you might find helpful - as always if I've gotten something wrong please let me know so I can change it :)

Maybe it was because he never thought to ask or maybe it was because he assumed it would be brought up given the nature of it, either way, Batman was wholly unprepared to see a small fitting child on the rooftop of some old brewery on a stake out. He'd noticed that Robin had been quiet for some time but he'd been preoccupied with maintaining vigilance on the entrance to Gotham's newest meth lab. Then he'd heard a thud followed by frantic shuffling. He'd initially thought that Robin was just fighting off pins and needles in his own weird way but when he turned to check he was met with a seizure. Panic surged through him but he urged himself to remain calm and recall what little training he had in treating seizures. He quickly unclipped his cape and rolled it into a ball to make a pillow, putting it under Robin's head to at least cushion it from the concrete. The white lenses of the domino mask hid his eyes but Batman was sure that they were rolling upwards and was silently thankful for not being able to see it. 

"It'll be alright chum, you'll be okay," he said quietly, his voice shakier than he would've liked. He'd seen some horrific sights as Batman but it felt so different when it was someone he knew in trouble and in need of help that he simply didn't know how to give. He couldn't tear his eyes away both to ensure Robin was safe and frankly because he couldn't. It was like a car crash and he was watching the car continue to roll across the road flipping over and over knowing someone was inside it. He didn't think to call Alfred for assistance on what to do or contact Leslie to get a run-through of what was appropriate. Instead, he was frozen, stuck watching. 

It felt like an eternity before the shaking subsided but in reality, it had been barely a minute before Robin made a sound that seemed like a strangled whimper and seemed to be coming out of the episode. 

"Robin? I'm going to put you into the recovery position, okay?" he announced. There was a small hum of approval and he gently moved the boy into the more suitable position, making sure that they were able to face one another. 

"Did I have a fit?" Robin questioned after a minute of adjusting. He said it very calmly and completely unphased by what happened, totally unlike how Batman thought he'd be talking after having a seizure.

"A fit- Is this a pre-existing thing?" He nodded. "And you didn't think to tell me? Are you supposed to be taking medication?" Again he nodded. 

"Ran out Monday," he explained. Batman didn't even know he had any!

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