Grey area besties pt 2

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this is for discord you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch-


A wonderful Friday night was the night Harley and her new best friend Dick, cock if you're nasty, in their apartment. He was currently out on a "job" and would be home soon with plenty of sweet treats for the pair. He'd insisted on paying for it himself. He was such a sweetheart, she mused as she put on her clay facemask. He'd be joining her soon enough. It was rather refreshing to have a guy living with her that just wanted to be best friends and act like teenaged girls at a sleepover. She looked through the nail polishes she'd had, the same ones Dick used to bring her when she was in Arkham so they could talk, and chose her signature red and black. It just suited her so well. She'd herded her babies into the guest room because knowing them they'd try to eat her nail polish and began painting her toes whilst she listened to some Nicki Minaj in the background. She just couldn't listen to some lo-fi hip hop it was much too boring. As she bopped along to the amazing music, she was interrupted by the door to her apartment being burst down and a hoard of people running in. She turned to them with an unimpressed look. Batman, Catwoman, Kid Flash, Red Robin, and Red Hood were now stood in her kitchen in fighting stances. She huffed to herself and turned back to her nails. "Whatcha want Bat brats?" she asked.

"Where's Nightwing?" Batman demanded. Harley got a sour look on her face.

"I don't enjoy your tone. Ask again but politely and maybe you'll get an answer," she replied. 

"I know you have him!" he shouted. 

"Yelling isn't polite now, is it?"

"Why you little-" Catwoman put a hand on his shoulder so he didn't do something stupid. She knew Harley and knew if they just played ball they'd get the answers they want. 

"We know you have Nightwing here. Just let him go and we'll leave," she bargained. 

"Well, there's a problem right there. Dickie ain't here. He's out on a job right now and I'm certain he ain't up for seeing you standing in our kitchen," Harley explained rather calmly. "Is one of you gonna fix our door or?"

"What do you mean our?" Red Robin asked. 

"He's my roommate," she answered.

As they were about to explain that a captive is not a roommate, the person they were looking for appeared behind them with a paper bag of groceries. Blood trickled down from his nose and there was a small bruise forming underneath his eye. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Dick asked. They turned around to face him. "You broke our door."

"Why are you saying our? You were kidnapped, this isn't your apartment," Kid Flash insisted. The acrobat raised an eyebrow at him and shook his head, side-stepping past both the group and the broken door he'd have to fix later so he could get to the freezer. "Uhm I'm here voluntarily."

"No, you're not! You're here because some sort of villain, most likely Harley, has messed with your head and made you insane!" he argued. Dick rolled his eyes and continued to put the ice cream in the freezer before going to the sink to wash off the blood on his face. His nose wasn't broken but he'd been punched hard enough to cause a nose bleed. He got the job done though. "Nightwing-"

"I know his name dickhead," Harley revealed to Batman.

"Richard, you're clearly not in the right frame of mind right now. Come home with us and we'll sort this whole thing out. It'll be like it never happened," Batman continued. 

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