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granted this idea was sparked by something peachrcses requsted for my smut oneshot book - check it out even though updates are hella spaced out - BUT shush

Also, Dick is pan you can't convince me otherwise this man fucked an alien and i doubt gender was the dealbreaker

Nightwing had a lot of bad guys and gals hitting on him. It was always a nice ego boost when they complimented him even if they were doing so as they were trying to murder him. Despite all the affections he'd managed to catch, he never really shared the same sentiment for one reason or another. Usually, it was the whole criminal aspect of their meeting. That was until he came across one hitman who had him questioning. 

He had a type and this hitman was hitting a lot of his requirements. Ginger, taller than him, well built and those eyes were stunning even when filled with murderous focus. The scar running down his face was a nice addition too. 

"My my, aren't you the looker?" Nightwing stated, having finally pinned the man to the ground after chasing him halfway across the city. He went to grab the handcuffs he kept in his utility belt when the man used the opportunity to flip them over. He was a lot stronger than Nightwing initially thought. Great now he was in a skin-tight suit with the hottest guy he'd ever seen straddling him and pinning his arms against the gravel of the rooftop. Someone up there saw he was pan and thought they might as well push it. Obviously, he could easily get out of the position but he'd let himself revel in having a hunky beautiful man on top of him for a little bit. It's been a hard week, he deserved a treat.

"You're not bad yourself," the hitman responded.

"I would say we should do this again sometime but you'll be spending 25 years in a cell and I'm not the patient type," Nightwing retorted. The ginger hitman hummed at him clearly amused.

"What makes you so sure I'm going away?"

"Because," he paused and flipped the man over with his legs. He quickly jumped to his feet and put his foot on his back to press him further into the ground. "I've got the upper hand here." The man chuckled at him before grabbing his ankle and throwing him to the other side of the rooftop. 

"Apologies Nightwing but it seems today isn't your day," they remarked. He walked over to the hero and knelt beside him, grabbing his handcuffs and clamping them to the pole. He caught the hero by the chin and angled his face to look up at him with an appraising look. Nightwing gulped and decided to shoot his shot. It's not like he was going to see the guy again without putting him behind bars. He moved closer and connected their lips though he was extremely surprised, and delighted when the criminal kissed back. They parted and the man took advantage of his awestruck mindset, running off into the night. 

"Call me Britney Spears because I'm in love with a criminal."

The interaction between the hitman and himself made Dick realize how lonely he was getting. He would've never done such a thing if he was beginning as Nightwing. He kissed a hitman for God's sake and then let him get away! Granted he didn't have much drive in the first place since the guy he killed was a bit of douche but it was a matter of principle. He decided to go on Tinder, half hoping to find someone and half hoping he found some horrible profiles to laugh at to make himself feel better. One afternoon, he'd been swiping on the app when someone stood out. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now