Age regression pt 2

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joanna19957 wanted the batfam to find out so here we are

I will repeat that this is not a kink but a genuine activity that is used to cope with stress/trauma

The secret of Dick's coping mechanism remained between him and his boyfriend with whom he was quite happy. Wally was incredibly supportive and even took to picking him up small things he saw that reminded him of the acrobat. He also soon learned the signs of when a regression was needed or wanted and he got used to playing a caregiver role. Sometimes he found it hard since he'd sort of forgotten how energetic Dick was when he was younger and admittedly there were a few times where he lost his cool because for the last time the bookshelf is not a climbing frame this is the fifth time this month what is so interesting up there- but it was worth it. Dick was happier now that he didn't have to hide everything in a box under the bed and was free to slip into it when he was at home. However, he was in the Batfamily and secrets had an awful habit of being found out. It was a miracle it lasted that long. 

A case had fallen into Batman's lap that stretched across Gotham, Bludhaven and even involved a little bit Central City so, after realising he couldn't be in three cities at once, he begrudgingly invited Dick and Wally over. Mostly because he could stand Wally more than he could Flash and Dick usually kept him in check. Dick accepted the request so now here he was trying to cope with his brothers constantly arguing and Bruce being the worst conversationalist ever. He was making plans without telling him and then when he tried to tell him hey let me in on the plans Bruce pointed to his emails. Yes, he had emailed all the updates to the plans. When they sat right next to each other. He was on the last straw and Jason was about to take that straw. "Hey Dickhead, how's the golden child doing?" Jason asked. Before he could answer, he was cut off by the younger. "Don't care. What I do care about is you being the little bitch you are and ratting me out to bitch boy over there." He thumbed to Bruce but Dick was still left confused. "Don't act stupid. You're as stupid as the other man whores who worked in that seedy little strip club you used to work in but you're not dumb enough to think you can get away with this shit."

"Jason," Bruce said in a warning tone.

"Shut it old man. Y'know I'm getting really sick of your 'we're family' bullshit because as soon as I do something you disagree with you run back to grandmaster prick over there like the little brat you are to tell him all about what I did."

"I didn't do anything!" Dick argued, standing up. His nose wrinkled upon smelling alcohol on the other's breath which was probably fuelling this outburst but he was still very confused about where this was coming from. He hadn't been talking to Bruce or really any family other than Damian before coming here. He wasn't going to be talked down to like that, especially with the day he'd been having. He just wanted to go upstairs and be with Wally to make him comfortable. He had a few things stashed here like some sort of emergency comfort plan and he already knew they were going to be used. 

"Oh, are you getting upset goldie because I called you out for being the conniving little snitch that you are? Or is it because I reminded you that you don't have a family you just stick people together in some shallow attempt to fill that hole in your life that you're never gonna fill because wake up call Dickie, we all fucking despise each other." 

"Shut up! You don't know anything!" He was tearing up. Shit, he was tearing up. He knew what was going on. Usually, he could take all this on the chin and he wouldn't even be responding to it but it was getting to him. Jason said these things to get a reaction but he might just be getting the wrong reaction because Dick couldn't take it today. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now