It's always been you

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gigifecci suggested a soulmate AU which I've never done nor do I really read so bear with me if I didn't do the trope justice

also are platonic soulmates a thing in these AUs? for my aroace friends? and multiple for the poly bros? if not then they are here 

Soulmates were a weird and complicated thing that got covered vaguely in class one day before never being spoken about again. It was a subject you figured out through your own firsthand experience or through people sharing their stories. The rules of it were complicated at best and downright annoying at worst. From the stories Dick's parents told him, everyone had a soulmate but not everyone had a romantic soulmate. Some had platonic soulmates and some had multiple soulmates. The process was pretty much the same though. You have a mark on your arm and when you meet someone with the same mark, that's your soulmate. 

For Dick, he was looking for someone with three dots above their collarbone. He wished it was somewhere more visible so he didn't have to feel like a creep whenever someone's collarbones were out. He didn't know who would be his soulmate either. Everyone was his type so he couldn't even narrow it down to a specific gender. All he knew was three dots. Did they mean anything? Who knows. Theories about it all were vague and most people chose the ones that felt the best for them. Dick liked to think they were highlighting a feature your last soulmate loved about you but when applied to himself he didn't quite see the appeal. He also thought his past soulmate was a bit of a dick for liking a body part that was covered all the time. For all he knew, his soulmate could be walking down the street and he wouldn't know a thing. Maybe he'd be one of those people who didn't believe in soulmates and settled down with someone they weren't meant for. There were billions of people out there after all so it was very likely you wouldn't see your soulmate in this lifetime. As nice as it sounded that there was someone out there perfect for you, Dick assumed he'd miss out on it from a young age but you know what they say about assuming. 

When Dick met Wally, he felt like his world lit up and he was finally seeing it for all its beauty. He loved everything about the speedster. His laugh, his eyes, his stupid jokes. Everything about him was perfect. If anyone was his soulmate, he knew it'd be Wally. They got along like a house on fire and their friendship only grew throughout the years. He suspected others had picked up on their bromance losing its B on his side but no one ever said anything to him. When they joined the team, Dick was secretly wishing for an opportunity to see his chest to make sure they were made for each other even though he was very confident that they were. No one could be this perfect for him without being his soulmate right? All he needed was the opportunity to see Wally's collarbone to confirm it which was surprisingly hard given all the time they spent together he'd never seen him shirtless. A severe lack of beaches in both Gotham and Central City was to blame. So when a beach day came up, he was more than excited to get things started with the person who was meant to love him forever. He even had the opportunity to leave time for a surprise for the rest of the team as Wally would be turning up late. He let everyone go ahead and waited by the Zetatubes for the speedster. 

There was an announcement followed by a flash of light and Dick held his breath as the figure stepped out. All he could see were three dots above the collarbone in the exact same place he had. Wally grinned as he stepped out before his eyes fell to Dick's collarbone to find the same mark. It slid off his face as he realised what it meant and he dropped the water toys he'd brought for everyone. "We have the same mark," Dick concluded with a relieved smile. All this time he'd had feelings for his friend and it was all worth it. They were meant to be together. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now