Weird but I guess it's a compliment?

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joanna19957 requested this a while ago so sorry for taking so long 


"Well, that's definitely not what I thought I'd see," Nightwing stated as he stopped dead in his tracks. Flash had run off after specifically being told not to do so but that was his best friend. A brainless idiot who runs into danger head-on. Good thing he was good looking or Nightwing would've decked him by now. Usually, there was nothing the speedster could do to surprise him. He'd done so much dumb stuff in his life that Nightwing had thought he was immune to it but here he was standing very surprised at the state of the ginger. What state had him so shocked? Well, Flash didn't have legs anymore. He had octopus tentacles. It looked like he'd been chopped in half and someone slapped some tentacles on there. There was no way that could've happened as there wasn't enough time for a full-blown surgery to happen, Nightwing wasn't that slow, but it sure looked like he had. 

"I can explain," Flash replied. 

"I'm gonna need you to start doing that," he responded.

"You know how Z said we're messing with magic?" He nodded. "I may have messed with magic. I called the witch ugly."

"Why on Earth would you call them ugly?"

"Because they were?" The acrobat let out a long sigh and he walked over to his friend to study the predicament. Immediately the tentacles seemed to take a liking to him and went to wrap around the arm closest to them but he moved away before they could, seemingly unaware they were trying to touch him. He studied Flash's new anatomy briefly and it seemed pretty legit. Like the tentacles had always been a part of him but they most certainly had not. "Think it's permanent?"

"There's no telling. Magic isn't my strong suit," Nightwing admitted.

"Didn't you date a magician?"

"Yeah but we didn't do that much talking," he mumbled. "C'mon then, I better carry you back to the ship. Better try to reverse this sooner rather than later."

Zatanna wasn't much help and told them that there was a curse on the magic but there was a get-out clause. She asked Dick to leave so she could address Wally alone where she explained he had to admit that he was in love with someone. His face was swallowed by a red blush and he shook his head. Even after she insisted that this would be the only way to get his normal body back, he refused to do so. There was nothing more she could do for him if he wasn't going to listen so Dick was brought back in and it was decided that he was going to take care of Wally for the time being. They'd find a more permanent solution later on. "I don't know much about tentacles but I'm guessing they need to stay wet so to the bath," Dick muttered to himself. His apartment was empty and he'd be talking to empty air if Wally wasn't in his arms. He carried him through the living room to the bathroom which was connected to the bedroom. His space was very small so it proved difficult to not knock over things. He didn't seem to mind though. "Sorry about the mess, I didn't expect you to be here. Then again I didn't think you'd be all tentacley," he commented. Wally hummed, barely able to concentrate on the line of conversation. He was being carried by his crush, taken through his bedroom and being taken care of? How was he not supposed to panic? This would be so romantic if there wasn't a whole Ursala situation going on. The bathroom was pretty small but the ginger wasn't one to complain about that given the circumstances. It was plain with some old bloodstains in between the tiles. He didn't like to think about that. Poor Dick having to patch himself up. He was placed carefully in the bath and the acrobat began running the water, cackling softly when Wally jumped at the cold water rushing against his skin. "Sorry dude, didn't think that one through," he apologised through giggles. The speedster blushed a little. Dick was so close to him and he was giggling and God why did he have to be so cute? A tentacle wrapped around the acrobat's wrist, making him raise an eyebrow. "Are you doing that?"

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now