In my defence, he was a dick

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If you're a fan of my darker stories, please check out my child's new book! So much effort and time have gone into this and I want it to get as many reads as possible to make it worth the effort! 

peachrcses is a simply superb writer so check 'em out!!!


Part of being a hero was to deal with the media in a clean and concise matter. Being both Dick Grayson and Robin meant that he was the best to teach his team how to deal with reporters. He used some footage from interviews other heroes had done and began pointing out the faults and successes. When he got to an interview between Black Canary and someone from the local news, he had to stop himself getting angry. He hated watching this back. Reporters were such dicks when it came to his female hero counterparts. He was asking questions like how come you show so much body? Does your boyfriend know you're out? What does your boyfriend think about your suit? How do you juggle keeping a clean house with being a hero? Black Canary had been rather polite to such a scumbag of a man and this was supposed to be a successful interview. He looked back to his teammates and immediately noticed the disheartened looks on Artemis and M'gann. After showing the clip, he was supposed to say this is what you do but he couldn't. It wasn't fair that they couldn't nip things like this in the bud. They'd have to be nice to avoid a whole page on how much of a bitch they were. He couldn't tell them they had to just deal with these people. "How come her questions were so different to Superman's?" M'gann asked.  

"Because reporters are assholes. If someone comes up to you asking questions like that call me over. You're not suffering through that for the sake of publicity," he replied.

"Won't that reflect badly on us and on you too?" Artemis pointed out. He shrugged.

"I don't give a shit really. Let's continue with the course."

After finishing a mission without blowing up a building, mostly because they weren't allowed to thanks to the mission being in a populated area, the team were met by interviewers just itching have their first interaction with the new round of heroes. Of course, Robin went straight into it without hesitation and gladly answered their questions. Aqualad and Superboy gave one-word answers so they were soon left to themselves since they weren't giving much juicy information. Once he got a report gushing about all the great work he did, Kid Flash found that he loved reporters. Especially flirting with them. That might come back to bite him one day but Robin didn't say anything about flirting. He probably should have though. Artemis and Miss Martian were unfortunately set upon by one of the less reputable reporters. "Hey girls, mind answering a few questions for Channel 63?" a man asked. They nodded nervously. 

"Rob might need you over here in a few minutes," Artemis said as the man introduced himself.

"Gotcha. Give him a chance but if he says anything shady, I wanna know ASAP."

"Sounds good to us," Miss Martian replied.

"This is Johnathan Conner reporting from downtown Central City where none other than the Young Justice team have yet again foiled another villain's plot. We're here with the girls of the team and we're going to have your burning questions answered," he announced, a shit-eating smirk instantly appearing on his face. He turned to the pair and shoved a mic in their faces. They really didn't like him. "Now girlies," he began. They grimaced. They could beat his ass ten times over and he was really calling them girlies? They weren't five. "The public is dying to know if you two have anyone special in your lives."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now