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You guys wanted it so you guys get it

I'll do something else Davick later for  KAJ2004  but for now, have this

I'll never be able to properly convey how much joy I get from that video of Tom Holland hosting a marvel quiz when his brother (i think it's his brother) and points out he had the answers on the back of the question cards which everyone could see

Hi editing Grayson here - for some reason this part is getting corrupted and is repeating blocks of text so if i haven't figured out the issue by the time you read this just skip that part!


Dick, although he loved David very much, hadn't told him what he did at night. He never had a good chance to mention it so he just didn't. David was out most of the time on a hit somewhere so he didn't have to pull out the night shift excuse too many times for it to become suspicious and he was left home alone more often than not. He made sure to hide his suit in his bag beforehand if he knew the hitman would be staying for the night and he'd stash his uniform on a rooftop somewhere. Blaming his night shift for his absence also came in handy when he came home bruised and beaten. He could just say it was a busy night or something. David hardly asked too many questions and usually went to comfort him instead of interrogating him on the source of the injuries. Of course, there'd be nights where he could tell that his boyfriend was getting suspicious with certain wounds but he'd usually have some sort of excuse. It ranged from underfunding leading to faulty weapons or not having a partner or old protection gear that didn't work as well as it used to. Dick planned for him to tell David naturally but by "naturally", he didn't quite expect this.

It was a late night and Nightwing was taking his break on a rooftop when he heard two heavy footsteps land behind him. He whipped around, almost choking on the apple slices he was enjoying, and got into a fighting stance before realizing who it was. Shit. 

"David?" It was then he noticed the gun that was pointed at him.

"How'd you know my name?" he snarled. This wasn't going to end well. 

"Uhh LOOK OVER THERE!" Nightwing shouted. That didn't work exactly but the shock from hearing him yell so loud stunned the hitman for long enough. Using this to his advantage, the hero rushed forward and kicked the gun out of his hand. Maybe he should mention he was his boyfriend at this point but his thinking was interrupted by David punching him square on the jaw. He was knocked off his feet and had to roll away before he got a combat boot to the face. He pushed himself back onto his feet and held his hands out in hopes of maintaining some distance. "Okay listen to me for just-" his sentence was cut off as David pushed his hands away and went to slash him with his knife. Nightwing dodged and hit his hand so he'd let go of the knife. He grabbed David's shoulders as he knocked his legs out from under him. He sat on his stomach and pinned his wrists to the ground. "You need to sit tight for one second, okay?" He went to take off his mask but his boyfriend didn't take his direction very well. As soon as one arm was released, David flipped them so he was on top and he took another knife he'd concealed. Whilst he brought the knife down, Nightwing ripped off his mask. The hitman had already swung but he managed to change his aim to avoid the important bits. Still, the knife dug into his boyfriend and he'd never felt guilty in his life.

Time stood still and all the colour drained from David's face. He immediately got off of Dick and covered his mouth to muffle any cries that managed to escape his mouth. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now