First day of Christmas

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Welcome to 12 days of Christmas 

Please pray for me as i try not to implode from the shit going on in my life 

joanna19957 wanted birdflash so let's gooooo

Date night. How could he have forgotten date night? Of course, Wally hadn't meant to forget it. He'd just been so busy recently and pulled so many all-nighters that every day just merged together. He couldn't remember the last night he slept all the way through. Being both Kid Flash and Wally was really a hassle right now since it was exam season and it felt like every villain knew that too and decided to fill up every day of the week with some sort of villainous act. This all left him completely caught off guard when Dick knocked on his door with flowers in his hand at 8 pm on Saturday. He dressed in a nice polo shirt and jeans that were cuffed at the bottom with a pair of red vans to match the shirt. He was very well put together and if Wally didn't have a sleepy haze over his eyes he would've noticed the slight lip tint on his lips. "You forgot didn't you?" Dick asked, his bright smile turning to a frown instantly upon seeing his boyfriend still in pyjamas.

"What? Me? Forget ourrrr?

"Date night."

"Date night yea! Pfft, no way would I forget that," he replied. "You were just early." The younger tilted his head and looked at his watch before shaking his head, his frown deepening.

"No, I'm not. I said 8 pm."

"Oh...well uh just give me a sec to get dressed then," he responded, trying and failing to remain cool.

"Walls, we can just reschedule. I'll just call an Uber or something-"

"No no no, believe me, I want to go on a date with you. God, I need it after this week." Dick raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes scanning over him immediately to make sure he hadn't missed any visible injuries. He knew the other was tired the moment he set eyes upon him but Dick was always tired so he didn't really take it into account that wasn't everyone's normal. He could go ages without a good night's sleep and he assumed that someone who was also meta could do the same. Maybe even go longer. 

"Come in and give me a second, okay?" Wally said. He pulled in the smaller and kissed his forehead, getting that smile back. "There. Keep that smile on your face whilst I get changed."

As Wally rooted through his drawer frantically trying to find something that would be acceptable to wear to...where were they going again? Dick was wearing jeans and a polo so he needed to dress just as casually yet well put together. He stared at the inside of the drawer blankly. Clothes. Why was he getting clothes again? Right yes, he had a date. Ugh, it felt like his head was swimming. He couldn't think straight. Not that his thoughts were very straight in the first place. His mind felt so fuzzy and he just couldn't concentrate. Maybe he should tell Dick that they needed to reschedule after all but his boyfriend worked so hard all the time! He deserved a little time to just be a teenager. "Are you okay?" Wally jumped at the voice and whipped his head towards the sound. He whined at the feeling that could only be described as his brain rattling inside his head. It took him a moment to recognise the worried small teenager standing in his doorway but when he did he put on a smile. 

"Hey babe, I told you to wait downstairs," he said.

"Yea you did but that was twenty minutes ago. You normally take ten minutes at the most," Dick replied. He walked up to the ginger and cupped his face with his hands. "What's up, you idiot?"

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