It's no cause for concern

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flashbossXD wanted an expansion from one of my random dialogues soooo here we are 

Yet another movie night went by where Robin didn't turn up. He'd given the same excuse as he always did. Patrol. Although it seemed like he was using that excuse a lot more than he usually did. The very thought of the word "patrol" made the team groan in annoyance. Robin was the only one out of them who went on patrols. They stuck to missions and the occasional night out if they suspected something suspicious was about to go down with their bigger villains. Their leader went out every single night and he'd only been going out for longer. He didn't take nights off unless he was near mortally wounded. When they asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday, he asked them to make sure there was coffee in the pot when he got home so he didn't have to go without after patrol. It was sad in a way. At least, they thought it was. They couldn't understand why he'd rather spend his time punching some random mugger in the face than sit with them and enjoy an actual teenager activity. They knew that he wasn't avoiding them explicitly. He was happy to spend his time with them. He even started doing his reports in the living room so he could pitch in on conversations. When they came together to talk about it, Robin was not included for obvious reasons, their theory was he couldn't cover the whole city in one night so when he locked up the criminals on one side it was already too late for him to get the other side and it had ramped up recently because the city was hitting a crime spike. Every night he'd get the places he missed the previous night and the cycle would repeat as more new criminals hit the scene. It would be thrown all the way off if there were long fights or if he had a mission that ate up a lot of the night. They assumed it was just some vicious cycle. So when they once again heard the excuse of patrol, they decided to help out. 

"Can we go on patrol with you?" Beast Boy asked that morning. Robin looked up from his notes at the teen and furrowed his eyebrows.

"But I'm not sick or injured?" he responded. They couldn't blame him for the assumption since they did have to go out sometimes to grab him when he got sick or injured and one of them accompanied him when he was bouncing back from something that benched him. None of them could forget the heart attack that was seeing a flu-ridden Robin taking a nap on the very edge of a building and nearly rolling off the edge.  

"We know, we just thought we'd try it out?" the teen continued. A small smile appeared on their leader's face at the clarification and, if they weren't mistaken, something about him seemed warm to the idea. 

"Sure. Did you want to try it out by yourselves or do it as a group?" His tone was the happiest they'd heard in the last few weeks. They knew patrols meant a lot to him but they could never place why. It seemed to them like it was just a routine he continued from Batman that he couldn't get out of but maybe there was more to it than that. Either that or he was looking forward to not spending his whole night running around by himself trying to protect an entire city. 

"By ourselves would be nice," Raven offered on behalf of the group. It would be much easier to sweep up the streets quickly if they were all spread out to do so. He nodded and glanced down at his notes. 

"I'll finish this up and then I'll plot your routes. Any preferences?" They shook their heads. He hummed and none of them missed how fast he finished his work following the conversation. It was nice to see him so excited for them to do what he did every night. "Oh, I suggest you all take naps. The first all-nighter can be hard to get through. If this is a regular thing then I'll set up your nap schedule."

"Nap schedule?" Starfire repeated. They'd never seen him nap unless he was on medication. Something about it just knocked him out so easily. 

"Yeah. The first year is the hardest so you have a nap schedule. Then you start missing a few, have caffeine for the first time, stress-induced insomnia, PTSD related nightmares," he listed but promptly stopped upon the looks he was being given. "I'm sensing concern."

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now