Soft Davick

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KAJ2004 wanted it so here's some Davick and I thought it time to have some soft cute David

I'm going to post this fucker then pass out so if there are glaring issues I apologize I'm just very very tired and I'm trying to fix my sleep schedule so I don't feel like a piece of shit all the time 24/7

I say fix like I'm going to bed at like 10 or 11 pm it's past midnight and I won't sleep till 1 why am I like this

Being a hitman could be stressful, especially when you went from job to job without a break. David was the best in the business so everyone who wanted a job well done went to him. The only thing was, he found it hard to say no to a job. Mostly because when he saw the money being offered he thought about all the ways he could spoil Dick with it. Somehow the man had turned him into some sort of romantic and the jury was still out on whether that was an entirely good thing or not. The only thing was when he went job to job, he didn't see Dick all that much. That meant Dick, who also shared an inability to have some rest, was left to his own devices and was left without the guy who usually reeled him back in. The pair also had the fatal flaw of having separation anxiety though neither would admit to that so when they spent long times apart, the worse they felt.

Dick was making himself a cup of coffee which wasn't the best thing to drink at night but he decided it wasn't as bad as drinking an energy drink this late. He tiredly stirred the granules in as he stared at nothing very intently. "It's a little late for coffee," David commented as he wrapped his arms around the smaller's waist. Dick lit up upon hearing his voice and twirled around in his arms to face him. He put his hands on his face and pulled him in for a kiss which they both melted into. They pulled away but put their foreheads together so they weren't completely apart whilst they caught their breath. "Missed you too," David mumbled. He smirked to himself when Dick cackled. He kissed his forehead as he pulled his boyfriend closer. "How've you held up?"

"I'd say well though the boys may say otherwise. We've been working nonstop but anything to keep me from worrying about you," he responded. "You?"

"Let's just say you're mine for the next few days." He tapped Dick's thigh, prompting his boyfriend to wrap his legs around him so he could carry him away from the kitchen. "You're not drinking coffee at this time."

"Is that because I get cuddly when I'm tired and you find it cute? Your words, not mine," Dick asked with a goofy grin. He rested his head on the ginger's shoulder and looked up at him with the eyes that would make even the toughest of people melt. "I can't say I don't get something out of you not making your heart beat faster than a hummingbird's wings," the other responded. "Either way, you'll need your rest for what I want to do with you tomorrow." 

"Ooo, do tell." David chuckled lowly at him, making shivers run up his spine. 

"It's a surprise," he replied.

David carried Dick to the bedroom and set him on the bed, falling on top of him thanks to the acrobat. He rolled his eyes and locked their lips together as a sense of contentment washed over him. How he ever lived without this feeling baffled him. It was within these four walls of the bedroom that he felt the best. If he wasn't a rational man, he'd remain in the bedroom every day all day but he was a rational man. He knew it wasn't the room that made him feel this way, it was the person. The room only served to give them the privacy needed to take their affections to the next level. David tended to keep public displays of affection to a minimum though he often wondered if they were both just another couple living as civilians would he indulge in such a thing. He pulled away to catch his breath and marvelled at his boyfriend. Dick's cheeks were dusted pink and his bright blue eyes were half-lidded as looked back at him. "You're amazing, you know that?" David whispered.

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