If not now then maybe never

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The mission was definitely a test of trust between the mentors and their mentees as it required them to stay overnight at a safe house. They would be handling a small recon mission and then staying at a house before leaving in the afternoon. It was practice for when they were doing missions on their own and was a true test to see if they could handle themselves. They were all excited to prove themselves, doing everything they could to make sure things went perfectly so they'd get the chance again. This was a massive stride of progress from where they began and with this taste of freedom, they couldn't return to how things once were. Mission plans were looked over three times, comm units were quadruple checked and Kaldur was actually listened to. 

When they got through the mission without an explosion, it almost didn't feel like it was over until they got back to the safehouse. 

"Is anyone else not exhausted?" Artemis asked as she kicked off her combat boots. Her teammates paused to assess themselves before giving her a nod. "It's almost like not running for your life every five minutes leaves you with energy."

"Who could've thought," Wally commented, finding there wasn't as much of an ache in his limbs. Maybe they should do this more often. It was a nice change to get out of somewhere with no fear that they wouldn't return with all their limbs intact. Had they known missions could go this well, they would've tried much harder to avoid explosives. 

"Good job everyone," Kaldur announced.

"Good job leading us," M'gann replied with a smile. "Should we celebrate? We're bound to be deemed a success after this."

"They did fully stock this place," Wally said, already making his way over to the fridge. "I reckon this is reason enough to make the most of it. Who knows when we'll be let out to do this again."

"I'd like to do this again," Connor stated. "It was fun."

"Get changed then put on some music?" Artemis suggested. She received their nods of approval and grinned to herself. A mission without anyone getting hurt was so rare these days. Even if the injuries were small, the whole team felt it and couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for not keeping an eye on each other better. 

Turns out not everyone went uninjured.

It took some time to notice but about halfway through the party, they noticed that Robin was no longer with them. No one was sure if he started with them or if he'd left halfway through given his tendency to move like a shadow and be gone in a blink of an eye. They were at least sure that he'd returned with them from the mission so they didn't need to worry about him being missing that much. Still, they could rule out him turning in early given he was Batman's protege and some of them weren't even sure that he did sleep. 

"Has anyone seen Robin?" Wally asked over the music, voicing all the passing thoughts they'd all had at one point. As much as he enjoyed being the centre of attention on the dancefloor, it wasn't as fun without his partner in crime and God knows that the young vigilante could use an excuse to kick back. 

"I've not seen him since we got back," M'gann admitted. With a few other nods, Kaldur decided to turn down the music, therefore, putting the party on pause. "We should probably make sure he's alright. He seemed kinda lethargic on the way home."

"Maybe he's got burn out?" Artemis suggested. "He is out every night in Gotham." Although it was plausible, they still silently agreed that it was better to check and made their way to the shared bedroom. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now