The Robin Myth pt 2

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Robin refused to see any of his family members until he was fully rested and in the right mind to deal with them. No matter how many times Black Canary pointed out that they were just worried for him, he always said no. She didn't blame him. He was stuck between two groups of people that he loved dearly and recovering from a torture session was making him run thin on patience he so desperately needed when dealing with his family. 

His team stayed with him most of the time, only leaving to do the basics and then coming straight back so he was never alone for long. He slept a lot but when he was awake he chatted with them about anything other than the matters at hand. It made a world of difference to see him upbeat despite having no contact with his family whom they knew he was very close with. Even stuck in bed most days, he kept the conversation light and kept morale high.

After a few days, Robin decided he'd let his family visit on the condition that they were kind to the team. He was able to be in a wheelchair for a few hours at a time to avoid him going stir-crazy in sitting in bed all day and night so he decided that he'd use those precious few hours to figure this out. All he wanted was for both groups to be civil to one another. Nothing more, nothing less. If they got on well that was a bonus but Robin strongly doubted that would ever happen. 

Wally wheeled him into the living room and sat him so everyone could see him, making sure he felt included in the small circle. 

"Your family will be here in ten minutes," Connor informed him. He nodded and took a deep breath. This was going to be either a very long talk or a very short one but either way, it was going to tire him out. Their stubborn nature just burnt him out at the best of times but they could be particularly tricky when they couldn't fathom being wrong in any way. It was like trying to get water from a rock sometimes. Maybe they'd surprise him this time and actually be emotionally capable of expressing themselves and perhaps Nightwing might show some empathy for once but he doubted it. 

"You really mustn't waste energy on making them like us. If you need to rest more until this issue can be addressed that's perfectly acceptable," Kaldur mentioned. The bags under Robin's eyes were unmissable and he didn't want to exasperate them over something that could wait. 

"I'll be fine Kal. Besides, I can still take all of you in a fight even in this wheelchair," he retorted with a smile. It didn't have its usual impact but then again none of them expected it to. "How're you guys feeling anyway? Canary said she started therapy with you guys this morning." There was some silence which was all too telling. He knew they weren't going to bounce back as quickly as he did. This was their first time seeing torture so he couldn't even make a fair comparison. The first time he saw someone being tortured it was Red Hood. He'd been terrified for weeks after that. It took about a month to get him to stop following his brother around like a lost puppy. "I know it's hard but you'll get through it."

"How long until you stopped thinking about it?" M'gann asked. 

"It's going to be a while I won't lie to you but you're getting help and that's more than I did my first time round. Plus you have yours truly. I'm like the King of trauma."

"That sounds really sad," Wally pointed out. 

Robin one shot part 3!Where stories live. Discover now